Friday 11 October 2024

Take the bridge, Shako to Coal Scuttle.

  I'm up for a Nordic Weasel game, love the use of 6 and 1.  

The scenario is take the bridge.  Well I needed to build the bridge and some 2mm scale towns first!

Neu Schwanz, being erected.

And the fast flowing River Meise as 3rd battalion come onto the table.

And after I've painted it 24 hours later

Neu Schwanz, and I need to draw the windows in as well as colour the roofing tiles.  Near the bridge we can see the village of Gröpe, and my first attempt at the Gröpe Bridge.

Red come on with battalions in depth

Blue have garrison the (now painted) towns but no sign of their main forces.

Red advsnce.

Blue are revealed in firing lines.

A close view of my "Blue" forces, essentially early WW1 French.

Red assault the town, some disorder and losses.

More Blue appear screening the bridge.

Red are thrown back.

Blue hold the field and bridge at the end of them six

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Maurice does Fontenoy

The Battle of Fontenoy was a major engagement of the War of the Austrian Succession, fought on 11 May 1745, a French army of 50,000 under Marshal Saxe faced the Pragmatic Army of 52,000, led by the Duke of Cumberland.

Allied Order of Battle 
1 Elite Regular Infantry (Garde te Voet & Grenadiers) 
3 Trained Regular Infantry 
1 Elite Regular Cavaly (Guard Dragoons) 
1 Trained Regular Cavalry 
1 Artillery 
1 Elite Regular Infantry 
6 Trained Regular Infantry (2 British,4 Hanoverian) 
1 Elite Regular Cavalry (Guards) 
1 Trained Regular Cavalry 
2 Artillery 
National Advantages: Lethal Volleys, Steady Lads. 
Army Morale: 18.

French Order of battle 
3 Elite Regular Infantry (Gardes, Swiss, Irish) 
8 Trained Regular Infantry 
2 Elite Regular Cavaly (Gardes/Gendarmes, Cuirassiers du Roi) 
4 Trained Regular Cavalry 
3 Artillery 
National advantges: à la Baïonnette.
ArmyMorale: 18.

The French objective marker represents not only the army’s line of communication, but also the immense ensemble of lords, ladies, and earthly delights accompanying King Louis XV, who was a spectator to the battle.  Maurice called this "the travelling whorehouse. " Consequently, allied capture of the objective ends the game immediately.
French Service
La Duc du Pommesfrittes

In Allied Service
Alan Breck Stuart.

Massed cavalry battle on the Right.

A pounding from the French guns

Allied Dragoons defend the redoubt

The Duke moves up his line

King Louis watches from the comfort of his coach

Saxe leads his Cavalry in


And an oops!

The Duke is hit by a whiff of grape.

The Currassier charge

It's all mixed up on the flank.

It's a bold attempt!  The French have allied cavalry in their rear now.

The shock markets tell the story of how bloody this is getting.

The French guns hold on. 

But it's the allies who are winning.

Once again those damned French guns deal damage.

But French morale fails.  The Duke has won!


Saturday 14 September 2024

The KAR vs Askaris 1914

My second East Africa 1914 game.  This time the KAR go up against the German Colonists and Askaris. (and Lions)

Terrain notes/ Bush Warfare

War in the bush

Firstly disease and pests, tsetse flies, malaria-bearing mosquitoes, burrowing jigger fleas, ticks and as well as dangerous wild animals. 

Water was often scarce, and frequently
bad. Fever and dysentery endemic. 

South African and Rhodesians troops were no more immune to these ills than the British or Indians, and most of the European and Indian units had been reduced to mere cadres by October l916.  The incidence of disease was increased by the privations imposed by the land itself. 

The bush
waterless steppe 
razor-edged grass shoulder height,   
thickets of impenetrable thorn scrub.  
Jungles and swamps (by the coast and along the river
steep, rocky hills with plunging escarpments further inland. 
Troops did fortify positions with pits rather than trenches.

Allied troops were forced to depend on provisions
brought forward along increasingly tenuous supply lines. The tracks were poor to start with, and rapidly collapsed under the weight of traffic.

Food, ammunition, clothing and boots were in short supply. 

Supply track ambush
Hold the position
Battle in the razor grass
Skirmish line encounter
Machine gun ambush

This Game

Machine gun ambush

This scenario represents two forces  coming into contact with each other.  The Germans favoured the Machine Gun ambush, and as such three objective tokens will be deployed prior to any units going on table.  At any point the German may swap a single token for the machine gun, which may then fire immediately.  It becomes to objective for the Imperials.

Setup: Both players roll a D10. The player with the higher result chooses what side of the table they want to deploy their troops on. The deployment zones for each player are 12” to 18” from the centerline of the table. The player who lost the roll must deploy 1 of their units first, followed by the winner. The players alternate like this until all units are deployed. The game begins once all tokens and units are deployed. 
Game Length: 6 Turns 
Victory Conditions: The goal of this scenario is Army Destruction, but the Imperials gain a VP ifvthe machine gun is knocked out. If there are models from both armies on the table at the end of turn 6, the player with the most Kill Points is declared the victor.

The Forces.

150 points


British Captain Command Team:

BRITISH Captain  (COMMANDER) Shoot 6 C/Combat 6 Shoot  Save 5 Close Combat Save 7 Resolve 6 Cost 0 Initiative 2 Command Range 8" Command Points 1.  UNIT COMPOSITION: 1 Commander, 2 Riflemen SPECIAL RULES: Assault Experts WEAPONS: 1 Pistol (Commander), 2 Rifles


Shoot 7, Close Combat 6,  Shoot Save 6, Close Combat Save 6,  Resolve 5,  Cost @16 Initiative 2.  UNIT COMPOSITION: 4 Riflemen (add models for 4pts. each, max 12 models in unit) SPECIAL RULES: Blood Curdling Charge WEAPONS: Rifles

Captain +2 runners @0

3 groups of 8 KAR.  @96

1 Company HQ group of 8 KAR @32

1 group of 6 Scouts @12

8 porters @0

150 pts



German Leutnant Command Team:  

GERMAN LEUTNANT  (COMMANDER) Shoot Close  Combat Shoot  Save Close Combat  Save Resolve Cost Initiative Command  Range  Command  Point 6 6 5 7 6 0 2 8” 1 UNIT COMPOSITION: 1 Commander, 2 Riflemen SPECIAL RULES: True Grit WEAPONS: 1 Pistol (Commander), 2 Rifles


German Schutztruppe Riflemen Units:

The Schutztruppe was made up of European Germans who lived in Africa for many years.  GERMAN SCHUTZTRUPPE  (CORE) Shoot Close Combat Shoot Save Close Combat Save Resolve Cost Initiative 5 6 6 7 5 20 3 UNIT COMPOSITION: 4 Riflemen (add models for 5pts. each, max 12 models in unit) SPECIAL RULES: True Grit WEAPONS: Rifles 8pts. – Add a Light Machine Gun model to this unit (max 12 models in unit) 

German Askari Riflemen Units:  The Germans built up a strong force of native Africans to help them fight during the campaigns in eastern Africa. These units performed much better than their counterparts that fought for the British. While they were equipped with very poor rifles during the war they excelled in close combat.  

ASKARI RIFLEMEN (CORE) Shoot Close Combat Shoot Save Close Combat Save Resolve Cost Initiative 7 6 6 6 5 16 2 UNIT COMPOSITION: 4 Riflemen (add models for 4pts. each, max 12 models in unit) SPECIAL RULES: True Grit, Blood Curdling Charge WEAPONS: Rifles

German Heavy Machine Gun Team:

The German Army used the Maxim Machine Gun as their primary mounted machine gun.  GERMAN HEAVY MACHINE  GUN TEAM (SUPPORT) Shoot Close Combat Shoot Save Close Combat Save Resolve Cost Initiative 6 6 6 7 6 20 1 UNIT COMPOSITION: 3 Soldiers, 1 Machine Gun SPECIAL RULES: WEAPONS: 1 Heavy Machine Gun

Leutnant + 2 runners @0

1 group of 8 Schutztruppe @ 40

Maxim team of 3 men @20

2 groups of 8 Askaris @ 64

1 group of 4 Ruga Ruga @ 12

1 group of 4 Ruga Ruga fetish men @16

152 pts

The Game

(Note: I'm using a roll of 10 on initiative as a bush hazard roll.  Beware the lions and crocs!)

  1. Lion attack
  2. diseased pests, 
  3. tsetse fly swarm
  4. malaria mosquitoes, 
  5. burrowing jigger fleas, 
  6. Warthog family
  7. Snakes
  8. Leopard
  9. Giant termites
  10. Rhino
The bush

Imperials win initiative 

The KAR deploy

The Askaris deploy

The Ruga Ruga on the flank

And the kAR run a group forward into some flanking rocks.  Hard cover that is elevated enough to shoot into the defile where the German MG has deployed.

And the MG which looked good now looks vulnerable.

The KAR push on the right flank, away from the MG.

That MG is only killing the odd guy.

The RugaRuga cause some problems from the defile.

The MG is backed by German Colonists Shutzetruppe.  Excellent soldiers.

The KAR rush the defile killing half the RugaRuga.

And the KAR group in the rocks kill four of the Shutzetruppe with rifle fire.

Turn four initiative, its the dreaded 10.  A roll of 1 and a lion grabs one of the KAR scouts.

That's going to hurt!

The KAR volley down the Askaris on the right.

And a Reckless charge by the KAR group in the rocks.  A devastating bayonet attack wipes out the MG crew.

Over on the right the Askaris are reeling back.
The Shutzetruppe attack the defile and are driven back.  They are out of favour tokens and roll a terrible volley.  

End game.  Its turn 6 and the Germans have lost 3/4 of their troops.

Good game.

Not sure if it looks like Africa though, so I have some work to do.