Friday, 17 January 2025

A Guidebook to Medieval Cestria

A Guidebook to Medieval Cestria

Cestria, A Medieval history of the North by Sir Augustus Farthingale, University of North Dyrham, 1923.

In 1069 AD, with the conquest of England developing into its settlement, King William I invested Robert de Comines as Earl of Northumbria.   The new Earl and his men made their way north, only to perish in insurrection and fire trapped in the Bishops town of Dyrham.  The King was incensed, leading his army into the rebellious province in the "harrying of the north."

The role of the Bishop of Dyrham was at the very least suspect. William imprisoned Aethlelwine and reorganised the Bishopric, appointing William Walcher of Lorraine, as Earl Bishop of Cestria, the first and only time such an appointment was made, and giving all of the church lands north of Dyrham, as well as the Priory at Finchale into his care, effectively limiting the power of the Dyrham Prince Bishops. 

As Earl Bishop of Cestria, Walcher took charge with some vigour, and used his own household knights to pacify and take control.   Aethelwine, before his imprisonment, had sent Saint Cuthbert's body to Lindisfarne, when the Norman Harrying of the North seemed about to doom Dyrham.  On Walcher's arrival he had his Norman Knights escort the Saint's body into its previous resting place in Cestria.  This was a coup that would infuriate future Bishops in Dyrham, since the Saint's remains were a source of great wealth from pilgrimage, and prestige from the miracles they performed. 

The rivalry between Dyrham and the new Bishopric to its North has often turned violent, but never more so than during that period.   When Aethelwine died in captivity two years later Cestria kept it's hold on the Saint's remains, and Walcher began construction of the great Minster church.  Dyrham had kept the body of the Venerable Bede, and was now only a stopping point on the pilgrimage. 

A fuel between the House of Lumley and the Bishop lead to Walcher's murder in 1080.  King William sent an army north under his brother Bishop Odo of Bayeux, in a second harrowing of the north.    

On Walcher's death the Earldom passed to his nephew, Gilbert, who in turn was invested as Earl Bishop, placing his Norman followers into the lands of the vanquished Saxons.   The new Prelate served as chancellor under Henry I, and passed the Bishopric in turn to his Grand nephew, also named Gilbert.  By this time the Bishop's family had adopted the name of Finchale, the Priory of that name being a source of much of their wealth.

By the time of the Anarchy in the mid twelfth century the two Bishops, Cestria and Dyrham both paid the Scottish King David to leave their towns alone, and both prelates fought beside the Archbishop of York at the Standard.  Despite victory at the battle the Scots held Northumbria north of the Tyne, and it was only the presence of the Bishop at Cestria that prevented further encroachment.

By 1199 AD the great Minster Church over Cuthbert's shrine has been completed.  Another Earl Bishop Gilbert of Finchale was Earl Bishop in Cestria, and England over the river Tyne to the north is still overun and held by the Scots, as are much of the lake lands to the west. To the south the Barons are squabbling with the King as the Long Anarchy of the last century seems to be about to repeat itself. The Vikings are still out there over the sea to the East, their raiding a threat.

The Six Knights

The feudal system within Cestria supports six major land holders.  The Earl Bishop, from the House of Finchale undoubtedly the richest and most powerful of these. As a noble title this has been kept within Walcher's family.  The fact that the clergy are forbidden marriage has not daunted the Finchales, and there always seems to be a second son available to be appointed as successor.  These have usually been Priests, but occasionally not.  When King William appointed Walcher he probably did not forsee that creating an Earl Bishop to rival the Prince Bishop would have this unique hereditary effect.







Outside the walls of the ancient Roman fort at Cestria a Leprosaria was founded to serve pilgrims visiting the shrine of Saint Cuthbert.  A Knight Hospitaller of St Lazurus is stationed here primarily to protect pilgrims to Britain's foremost holy site, but also to encourage donation.  


The Shrove Tuesday Tourney


Sword fighting,

...and for the peasants, foot and ball, down the hill and into the Cong Burn


The Curse of the Lambtons
The Sheriff and the Bishop's Men.
Ambush on the forest road
The crossroads battle
The richest monastery
The charcoal burner's huts
Raiders and traders
The enemy fleet
Rival merchants
A plague on both your houses
The Merchant of Lancaster
Two gentlemen of Middlesburg
The Devil's brood :Lackland comes North
Hawking and hunting with my Lord the Bishop
A turbulent priest
Northmen pirates
Revolting peasants
Crossing the Tyne
The Sacred Item racket
A war band of Gaels
The Great Royal Bribe
Bandits in the forest
The Scots Princess
Wreck of the Maid of Rouen
Band of pilgrims
The Bishops hostage
Bishop versus Duke
The Archbishop flees North
An exile from the Scots
Monastery's Taxes
Castle attack
Pillage the Village
Ship battle, the floating harbour
Fight on the fells
Ambush in the city streets.
Battle, the Vengeful Barons
Battle, the Martial Bishop

Special scenarios (If I were to do "Fantasy!")
The Hound of the Perkinsvilles
The Wyrm of the Lambtun's on the Burnt Moor
The Great Bear of the Woods
The Backstabbing Stanleys
The Shrine of Pity
The Wildmoor at Chilton
The Grey Lady of Beamish

Terrain requirements
City gates
Civilian figures.  
Possible Bonus Awards. 
Defeating some scenarios gives the characters certain bonus awards.
Marry well for the title of Earl
Capture a town for the title of count
An Oxford Scholar joins the retinue for +1 
"The Devils own luck," reroll one dice per turn cost @1
Goddes Warrior +1 courage @1
The benefits of family - Add a second character.

4 Kn
2 Mtd Sgts
2 Foot Sergts
Peasant levies


The Bishop's Lands
The Sacrist Abbey
Finchale Priory
The three farms

The Lambton Lands

The Lumley Lands

The Ravensworth Lands

Sunday, 3 November 2024

The Shrine of St James


The church of St James the Prevaricator is located near Rabuse just over the city of Trientes border with Translavonia.  It has been held by the Slavs for the last twenty years.  Odo and his Normans intend to change that!


• In the centre of the table, place a church. Around the building a defensive ditch.


The defender has been tipped off about the imminent attack and has gathered forces to repel it. The rest of the defender’s units can enter the table from any of its edges. 


The scenario ends when the attacker has cleared the church or lost more than half of their points. The maqam is cleared when two turns in a row end with none of the defender’s units within the courtyard. 


The player with the most units within 6” of the chirch at the end of the game receives 5 Glory. In the event of a tie, the defender receives 3 Glory and the attacker 2 Glory. Add or subtract boasts.

The Normans arrive.  Our local Slav Voivode has garrisoned the church with archers.

The Normans attack aggressively

But use cheesy tactics on the flank to avoid the Slav arrows

And attacking over rge ditch they still break into the church.

A bit of a massacre.

And the Dlav horse fairs no better.

Using Andalusian Cavalry, I need to get the proper guys painted up

And the Voivode is chased away!

Meanwhile back at the church the Slavs break.

And even the Slav foot draw back.  A huge win for Odo and his Normans.


The River crossing 

Game Three

The route towards Saczow, the local Voivode's city, has been blocked, but the advancing Normans turn aside to strike at the Translavonian Prince who has mustered his forces, including Swabians mercenaries, to drive them back.   

The game is played corner to corner.  The Slavs defend the Ford and the woodland   

• the objective is the ford


• The hillsides and woods count as Cover. 


• The scenario ends when one of the two leaders is out of action as a result of his unit being wiped out, because of lucky blows, or because of a duel. 

Or it end when the Normans hold the ford


• Incapacitating a Leader is worth 5 Glory. 

• If no Leader is incapacitated at the end of the game, both players earn Glory for Boasts alone.

The ford over the Volos River, with a second upstream ford randomly generated.

The Slav Prince leads his men on from the flank.  Presumably he has used the hidden ford to cross.  The Swabians defend the Island, and the Slav Cavalry back them up.

And when I say Swabians I mean Saxon Huscarles.

The Normans advance from the opposite corner.

Two groups of Norman Horse, a group of light foot and some archers.

The Normans use archers to weaken the Swanians.  Very effective too.

The Normans lead with the light foot, hiding them away in the wood.  This prompts the Slavs to advance.

The Prince moves to draw off the archers, who have broken one Swabian unit already.  Those Slav Cavalry tried to get to the other ford but they only managed to pass one activation early on and stayed in that position for the rest of the game.

The remaining Swabians advance to attack the archers but...
Lose four men!

An embarrassed backwards shuffle.

The Norman Cavalry unleashes its charge.  The Slav Prince is in trouble.

Four nil.  The Normans carve through them.

Lucky blows. I roll another d6 and the Prince is captured.

And the crossing is also captured.  Its glory all round and a big win for Odo and his lads.

Friday, 18 October 2024

The Sons of Tancred de Faradólé

History makes much of the Norman conquest of the South of Italy by the sons of Tancred d'Hautville.  Less well known are the sons of Tancred de Faradólé, and their involvement on the Dalmatian coast during the same period...

I was always a fan of the setting for the TTG game Heroes, an Imagi-Nations RPG  Set in a fictional version of  11th Century Europe it mainly has a focus on the city of Trieste and the lands and coast to the South and east.  The setting involved half a dozen "nationalities" pitted against each other in a "miniaturization" of the continent.  

Into this I'm going to place a Norman warband, and run them through Lion Rampant scenarios.  If the Normans can win, or at least survive, they will gain reputation and reinforcements allowing them to build the warband and start conquering land.

The plan is to use Lion Rampant Second Edition, and paint up a few 20mm scale armies collected for this project.

The overlooked sons of Tancred de Farandole

Odo de Farandole second eldest of the sons of Tancred was  thoroughly disliked by his brothers who named him "the priest."  Knowing his father's land would go to the elder brother Odo set out for Italia to earn his fortune.

The first of the brothers to arrive in Triente, Odo has been recruited as a mercenary by the Doge.  He has decided that the coastal cities are better suited to his ambitions than joining the d'Hautville brothers in Italy.

The map is an Imagi-Nations view of the area south of Trieste. I had the original map printed as 4 x A3 sections and will use pictures Odo gains Norman reinforcements as his reputation grows.  

If he wins three battles for the Duke he is "given" a castle as a reward.

If he wins three further battles he is given a second holding.

Each point his reputation grows earns him an increase in his retinue, including character figures.

Guiscard Scenarios
Scenario 1: The evening of Civitate Scenario 2 : Stairway to Heaven 
Scenario 3: Only the river left to cross! 
Scenario 4: The sheep of the Catepan 
Scenario 5: The pike forest Scenario 6: BBQ in Durazzo 
Scenario 7: Looted while away hunting 
Scenario 8: The pious Norman 
Scenario 9: The Outpost 
Scenario 10: Bohemond's booty 
Scenario 11: Don't trust a dead Norman 
Scenario 12: The favors of the emperor 
Scenario 13: The Hornets' Nest 
Scenario 14: Family affair 

Additional Scenarios
Scenario 1: George Maniakes Expedition 
Scenario 2: The  Mercenaries Scenario 3: Enough with the Greeks
Scenario 4: Cerami  
Scenario 5: Finishing the Job
Scenario 6: Salerno must fall  table 

The world of 1000 AS (After the Saviour)

On the Map

Triente.            Communal City States
Magyary             Hungary
Bulgari                Bulgars     
Translavonia       The Balkans
Russland             Russia,
Frankian Empire         France/Germany/Italy
Tyrantian Empire         The Byzantine Empire
Herzlavakia       Czechoslovakia/Bohemia
Poldavia              Poland

Off the map
Asgard                The Viking Lands
Ispania                Spain
Angonia              England
Cyraan                Wales/Scotland/ Ireland
Orentia                The Arab Lands


The base city for the campaign Triente is to all intents and purposes independent. It hedges between the suzerainty of the Frankian and Tyrantian Emperors. The Doge, the Count the Bishop and the ten Justices wage war against the Translavonian King and his local Voivodes.  

The Doge has hired the Norman Mercenary band of Odo de Farandole, to support his cause, and sent him to escort a Church envoy, turns out its the Bishop himself, with a peace offer from the City fathers of Triente to the Translavonians.  Isperich, the local Voivode,  plans an ambush to capture the Churchman.

The map

Game one

The Game
The Bishop is escorted on table.

The Voivode's forces appear in Ambush.

The Normans swing out onto the right flank.

The Trientian Captain leads his skirmishing javelinmen through the woods.

The Captain routs both Slav bow groups in succession.

Good fight this one!

Odo and his Norman Milites charge.  Its devastating.

The Voivode is killed, with five casualties on the Slav Cavalry.

And the Normans continue into the Slav Infantry.   It's a second carve up.  I'm using Goth 20mm foot for the Slavs here.  They really look the part.

The Normans are Tumbling Dice with a few HaT plastics.  I'm happy with them too.

And on the left the Trientian Captain charges again.

The Captain breaks the second Slav bow group.  The game is won.

Last positions.  The slingers actually did well to keep up with the Normans but with all of that running didn't get to shoot! 

Lion Rampant Force Lists

Norman Warband

1 Elite Cavalry (Leader) @6 points
1 Heavy Cavalry @ 4 points
1 Light Cavalry with Javelins @ 3 points
1 Light Infantry with mixed weapons @ 5 points
1 Light Infantry with Javelins (@ 4 points
1 Foot Skirmishers @ 2 points

The Communal City States
The Popolo spear, Crossbowmen, Commune Heavy Cavalry, Mercenary Cavalry, Carroccio, Skirmishes foot.

The Empire
• 2 Mounted Companions * @ 12 points * If Swabians use dismounted knights with two handed swords or axes.
• 1 Lower Class Spearmen @ 3 points
• 1 Skirmishers @ 2 points
• 1 Ottonian character figure.

Noble Cavalry, Light Cavalry, light spear foot, skirmishing foot

Noble Cavalry, Light Cavalry, Light spear foot, Skirmisher  foot
Slavic - One Heavy Cavalry command unit, Light Infantry spearmen, Foot Skirmishers

Tyrantian Empire
Kataphractoi, Clibanari, Skutatoi, Trapezetoi, Archers, Psiloi.

Asgard river pirates

Milites, light horse , Foot Spear, Foot bow, Skirmishers

Noble Cavalry, Spearmen, Archers, Skirmishers

Orentian Pirates
Light Spearmen.  Bowmen, skirmishers.

Friday, 11 October 2024

Take the bridge, Shako to Coal Scuttle.

  I'm up for a Nordic Weasel game, love the use of 6 and 1.  

The scenario is take the bridge.  Well I needed to build the bridge and some 2mm scale towns first!

Neu Schwanz, being erected.

And the fast flowing River Meise as 3rd battalion come onto the table.

And after I've painted it 24 hours later

Neu Schwanz, and I need to draw the windows in as well as colour the roofing tiles.  Near the bridge we can see the village of Gröpe, and my first attempt at the Gröpe Bridge.

Red come on with battalions in depth

Blue have garrison the (now painted) towns but no sign of their main forces.

Red advsnce.

Blue are revealed in firing lines.

A close view of my "Blue" forces, essentially early WW1 French.

Red assault the town, some disorder and losses.

More Blue appear screening the bridge.

Red are thrown back.

Blue hold the field and bridge at the end of them six