My good and dear friend Young Quilpius,
I have been sent over the Rhennus and into the territory of the Bructeri. Our fourth Watchtower outpost reported suspicious activity overnight.
Julius, our one eyed First Spear Centurion insisted I get out of bed before dawn go tramping through the mist in the woods. The Tungrians call this mist the "purple haze," believing it He is a beastly man, but he keeps the whole cohort disciplined in terror of him, myself included.
"Primus," I asked, "why does it need the Pwefect to be out here in this purple mist at such an ungodly hwour? "
"The lads need to see the fekkin' officers up and about sir, killin' these blue arsed savage hoors before breakfast..."
He is a rough fellow who spits a great deal.I often wonder if he actually was cursed with immortality by by a god as he claims. He seems unkillable as well as unlikable.
Directly across the great river from us is the Bructeri chieftain Marbod the Bod. He known for his impressive barbarian thews and leopard skin posing outfit, but is a violently small man. His own tribe call him "Mini-Marbod." A serious enemy!
My revered uncle, General Quintus has told me in no uncertain terms that the Tungrian's need to make a mark here. Traditionally the Red Hill is a Batavian post. The General made it clear he does not like or trust "German born savages." Of course I myself was born in Tungrorum, so that probably includes me.
I`m not cut out for this life. How is old Rome? Oh I do miss a good Orgy and a glass of Falernian Rose. Pink wine and prostitutes eh?
Your good friend,Dubious Figulous.
Prefect 1st Tungrians
Scenario 2
The Purple Haze
In the pre dawn mist the Tungrians land four centuries on the north Bank of the Rhennus, their main strength, at the outpost 6 boat crossing. The Prefect sends the sixth cohort, his Exploratores, under Centurion Flavius "Vulpes," into the forest to lead the march.
Primus Julius "One-Eye" leads the main body, the intention being to show the Eagle as far as Watchtower four, with the Prefect safely to the rear and on a horse.
Dice roll 4. Enemy in the trees, they are forewarned! It's an ambush by the Bructeri, possibly warned by the Batavians, who want the Red Hill fort posting back from these Tungrian interlopers. Certainly the Bructeri chief Marbod (the Bod) has a bag of Roman gold, and if captured will reveal the name of the traitor.
I diced for the traitor and discovered that our old friend the cowardly narrow stripe Tribune Pontius Frivolous of the "Larks" V Aludae is actually the culprit, seeking to give the Tungrian's a setback to excuse his own failure in the previous skirmish.
To add to the stakes involved the Bructeri have outpost 4 surrounded. Optio Cassius Occisor "the killer" and two tent parties are at risk.
Solo mechanisms for the Tungrian Cohort
Generating a core force for a game:1 Prefect Dubious Figulous Force = D6 +2 Centuries
2 Primus Julius "One Eye" Longinus 1-3 Centuries
3 Centurion Marcus Bovi (the Ox) 1 Century (the 3rd)
4 Centurion Flavius Suspicious (Vulpes - the Fox)
1 Century (the 6th "Exploratores")
5 Optio Casca Iratus (Angry) D6+2 tent parties
6 Optio Cassius Occisor (the Killer) D6 tent parties
The Tungrian Order of battle
Logistics game:
1st Cohort, 77 Men Centurion "One Eyed" Julius
2nd Cohort, 73 Men Centurion "Longshanks" Cassius
3rd Cohort, 72 Men Centurion "The Ox" Marcus Bovi
4th Cohort 75 Men Centurion "the Brick" Fictilis
5th Cohort 69 Men Centurion Pugio "the Knife" Gaius
6th Cohort 76 Men Centurion Flavius "Vulpes" the Fox" the Exploratores
Optio Sirius aka "Suspicious Susan" Senior Optio.
Titus Actuarius, the Tungrian's military scribe.
Lucas Calidas "Lukewarm" Cohort Medicus.
Little Paulo Tesserarius, the Tungrian's Guard Sergeant
Tall Marcellus Signifer. The biggest man in the Cohort.
Support Character list
1 Tribune Gnaeus Villainous commanding the Auxiliary Cohorts attached to "Larks" V Aludae Force - D6 +4 Auxilia Centuries
2 Centurion Rufus Phallus of the II Augusta Force - D6 +2 Legion Centuries
3 Tribune Lucius Supercilious broad stripe of the "Larks" V Aludae. Force - D6 +2 Legion Centuries
4 Pontius Frivolous, Tribune commanding a Legionary Cohort. Force - D6 +2 Legion Centuries.
5 Prefect Gaius Julius Draco the Batavian Force - D6 +2 Batavian Centuries
6 Centurion Gaius Julius Civilis to the Romans, but named Kivilaz in the tribes.Force - D6 +2 Batavian tent parties, the Exploratores
7 Veruca, ousted King of the Atrebates + His Warband of retainers
8 Optio Felix Cattus. A Ballista specialist with his toys.
9 Optio Zubiya Quadir (the Syrian) and two groups of his archers.
10. Decurion Asinus of the Petriana. Known affectionately as the "donkey botherer," but actually respected by the Tungrian's. (And possibly the only non Tungrian to have that honour)
The March to the tabletop
6. Rain. Spirits are lowered.
5. A spontaneous marching song. Spirits are raised
4. Enemy among the trees. They are forewarned!
3. An omen! D6 odds bad Evens good. Are they forewarned?
2. Locals add more information to the narrative.
1. A deep stream that must be crossed slows progress roll again
The Game
Fought in the dawn mist from the Rhine, called the "purple haze" by the Auxiliaries. The Outpost is under siege, with a garrison of two tent parties under an Optio.
D6 each turn. 5-6 Roman arrival.
1st a century of the Exploratores
2nd The main body, the Prefect with three more centuries.
The Bructeri of Marbod the Bod, known for his impressive barbarian thews have six warbands and a cavalry group, as well as a group of skirmisher youths.
Prefect Dubious gets his column off the deployment point as the morning mist begins to burn off. |
The Bructeri seem likely to take the watchtower any minute. |
The hero shot of Marbod the bod. No great figures those HaT Germans. Marbod need a few good square meals in him. |
The Tungrians go in, gaining complete surprise. |
The Primus Centurion is a monster in battle |
Optio Suspicious sallies out with his tent party. These six tent parties on table are my full strength Century/Cohort. |
Hero shot of the Optio |
The second wave are seen off |
Our brave Optio chases off the enemy slingers. |
And with the rescue of the tent party the game is done.
20mm was a cheap scale to do this game in, but where the figures are good its really worth it. The Newline metals and some of the italeri plastics are excellent, as are the Zvezda Auxilia. Those Germans however...