Wednesday 19 June 2024

The Pigourdy Chevauchée Game One: Raid on St Poupé


The raid

Sir Phallus leads his mounted men at arms to raid the village of St Poupé.

The opposition is a small local garrison.

Phallus and his lads appear.

And the opposition is thin on the ground

But wait a moment, those are longbowmen we are charging!

Phallus has his jupons handed to him

It's a brutal fight where the English roll terrible dice.

Even the French spears prevail

Not going well

And my Captain barely escapes with his life.

My medieval buildings store inside each other.

With the unfinished roofing on top.  I'm adopting the Russian doll terrain system for all my buildings in future.  It saves space and makes them robust.

A loss for the English but the campaign continues.

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