Thursday, 7 April 2016

6mm Kriegspiel, the Bridge at Kippringen.

The second of my three 6mm Kriegspiel games, again using the Meckel map, but this time blown up to 500%.

Colonel Inkontinenz,
The frontier  between The Grand Duchy of the Blau and Cinnabaria is the River of Der Selz Fluss, and the vital bridge at Kippringen is one of only a handful of places that can be used to cross.  Kippringen is a small town, with gardens and hedgerows on the lower flood plain, and stone built buildings above.  The bridge is old, thought to be Roman in origin.  It’s well built.
 Intelligence suggests that the Blau have garrisoned Kippringen with a single battalion,  their 1st Voltiguers.  These are a new type of light infantry similar to the Black Jäger of Cinnabaria, but lacking rifles.  These Voltiguers have only the old pattern musket.  They are however said to be well trained by Mercenary Officers from the Kingdom of Albion who learned their Light Infantry skills fighting savages in the New World.
A report from yesterday indicates that a senior Blue Commander, old Pumphosen and Major General von Poupe were seen in Kippringen during the evening.  They were probably visiting the Whippet Inn to sample the apricot tart.  Then again... 
As Count Inkontinenz, commander of the Red V Rgt you have set up an observation post at Siebel Hoff. (literally “the screened farm”)   It can be used as a staging post to attack the bridge.   If you could sieze Kippringen for the Red it would give your career a Boost.   How does Major General Inkontinez sound?  You will probably have to lead the assault across the bridge to earn it.   
The Red have allocated the 5th Regiment,  of  three battalions, and a battalion of Black Jäger.  Two squadrons of Heavy Dragoons are also available under a Major Feucht, and a provisional half battery of three guns.  The King will be allocating a General Officer to take command on this front, so it is important to take action before he arrives. At midnight Colonel Urin Gelb of the Black Jäger wakes you.  His men have found a ford at the bend of the river south of the town!  Perhaps you won`t need to lead an assault column after all.
You assemble your staff and give your orders.
This is the last of three games taken from the biography of Major General von Poupe, “Poupe against the Thin Red Line,” in which the Dragoon General recounts his successes and failures.  
Good Luck Colonel.

The Red player programming this for me sent his battle plan as a statement of intent.

"I shall mount a fast horse and accompany Colonel Gelb to the ford. If the ford is indeed practicable the Dragoons and the jager will cross the ford at night and make their way on the road north, aiming to be in position to attack the town at dawn.
The guns will take up position on the summit south of Siebel-Hof in order to cover the bridge crossing.
At dawn I will lead the 5th Regiment to the bridge. I will send out the usual skirmish screen but the 3rd battalion will deploy wholly as skirmishers. This reinforced screen will take up position along the river bank both north and south of the bridge with the intention of sweeping the Blue approaches to the bridge. When I feel that the defences are weakening I shall storm the bridge at the head of the 1st battalion. The 2nd battalion will remain in column as a reserve ready to storm the bridge in support.
However, should the crossing prove impracticable, both the jager and the dragoons will remain with the main attack at the bridge. Should this prove to be the case, then the jager will replace the 3rd battalion in the skirmishing role, whilst the latter will join the reserve along with the 2nd battalion.
The two squadrons of dragoons will position themselves either side of the 2nd battalion, ready to charge across the bridge in support of the 1st battalion, should their attack prove successful.

Narrative of the Battle. 
The Red found the ford practicable and accordingly sent their Jager and Dragoons across.  I had emphasised the cover on the map using "panscrub" hedges.  The Grand Duchy of the Blau voltiguers occupying the town of Kippringen were ready, and The Poupe Dragoon Brigade made its apperance on this flank.  Things were set for a skirmish and Cavalry battle.
 Inkontinenz leads his Dragoons to the ford in person.
 In the town of Kippringen Old Pumphosen has only a single battalion of newly raised Voltiguer.  He summons his second battalion into the town.
 The Light Companies of the Inkontinenz Brigade (can these be regular troops?) descend to the river bank and engage in skirmishing with the voltiguers.
 The Red Dragoons ford the river and begin to deploy to attack the town.
 Major-General Poupe, (for it is he) dismounts two squadrons of Dragoons and uses the hedgerows as cover.  The carbines of the Dragoons are effective against the mounted Red Dragoons.
 Inkontinenz leads his battalions down onto the bridge.  The Colonel, on his flashy trademark white charger will soon dismount and lead the assault.
 The assault column crosses the bridge.  Colonel Inkontinenz takes a musket ball between the buttocks.  That has to sting!  The redcoats are subjected to cannister from a well sited Blue 6pdr cannon.

 The end of the game, Colonel Urin Gelb and his Black Jager force the dismounted Dragoons to retreat.  The Poupe brigade dragoons fight well, but with the Jager in the town old Baron Pumphosen is outflanked.   Moving swiftly the Fat Baron orders the retreat, and his carriage departs.  The Voltiguers are routed from the bridge and Red capture the 6pdr gun.  The bridge at Kippringen is now in Red hands. 
  Colonel Inkontinenz sits delicately astride his white prancing stallion.  Is it my imagination or does that miniature actually look like its been shot in the buttocks?

To Major-General, Count Inkontinenz,
Sir, we are happy to confer upon you the appointment and rank of Major-General. You are ordered to take command of such forces now at Kippringen.
God save the Red.
Judas Zebadiah Quilp
Secretary to the Horse Guards


  1. Did you enlarge the maps in black and white and then color them yourself?

    1. Yes indeed. Colour printing these was cost prohibitive so this is the result of ordinary coloured pencil shading and strips of pan scrubs for the hedges.
