First Battle of St Albans, 22nd May 1455
Game 1 of my Wars of the Roses Campaign.
This was the first battle of the Wars of the Roses. The Yorkist forces claimed that they wished to free King Henry (Lancastrian) from his corrupt advisors. It was of course an excuse to take control of a weak king and use him for their own ends. The King rebuffed the Yorkist negotiators and battle was joined at noon.
Historical Outcome and Notes
The Lancastrians set up barricades in the streets of St Albans. There was also a defensive ditch in front of the town.
Because of the protracted negotiations the Lancastrian defenders had stood down. The Yorkist assaulted up the roads. These assaults were held up by the defending Lancastrians. In the centre of the battle Warwick’s troops cut through some houses / gardens in the centre and came across the Royal Party. From this central break-through the defending Lancastrians found themselves outflanked.
Some Lancastrian troops and nobles fought to the death, but most retreated. This central attack caused the Lancastrians to withdraw. Historically a Yorkist victory.
3000 men 2500 men
A - Duke of York, Richard (A)
1 household 1 retinue 1 levy
B - Earl of Warwick, Richard Neville (A) C-in-C
1 household 1 retinue 1 levy
C - Earl of Salisbury, Richard Neville
2 retinue 1 levy
A - Earl of Northumberland
1 household 1 levy
B - Duke of Somerset, Edmund Beaufort (T) C-in-C
2 retinue 1 levy
C - C Baron de Clifford Thomas (M)
1 retinue 1 levy
Special Rules for this battle
King Henry. Henry VI is present but not in command. Each time a Lancastrian General is killed a D6 is rolled. 5, 6 = King Henry VI is captured. He cannot be recaptured. Counts as Royal C-in-C killed. This gives D6 +5.
Game length. Reduced to 25.
Victory Conditions Normal BB victory points.
• Building the army using the points costs list.
• Choosing the scenery, just use the relevant battle map.
• Rolling for Generals’ attributes, these are in the list of troops for each battle. Still use D6 rolls for replacement generals’ attributes.
• Piggy chase.
• Scenery placement and moving.
• Advancing zones.
• No defender losses.
• Scenario generation.
• Defender has first turn unless the scenario has different requirements.
And on table I try to get the look...
YORKIST (Attacker)
3000 men
A - Duke of York, Richard (A)
1 household 1 retinue 1 levy
B - Earl of Warwick, Richard Neville (A) C-in-C
1 household 1 retinue 1 levy
C - Earl of Salisbury, Richard Neville
2 retinue 1 levy
2500 men
A - Earl of Northumberland
1 household 1 levy
B - Duke of Somerset, Edmund Beaufort (T) C-in-C
2 retinue 1 levy
C - C Baron de Clifford Thomas (M)
1 retinue 1 levy
12 April 2020
DiceParserBOTToday at 09:43
# 10
Details:[2d10 (5 5)]
Dave FToday at 09:52
Special Rules for this battle
King Henry. Henry VI is present but not in command. Each time a Lancastrian General is killed a D6 is rolled. 5, 6 = King Henry VI is captured. He cannot be recaptured. Counts as Royal C-in-C killed. This gives D6 +5.
Game length. Reduced to 25.
Victory Conditions Normal BB victory points.
The troops are down. Now to go through my sequence of play... slowly...
Salisbury sideways move !2d6
DiceParserBOTToday at 11:17
# 9
Details:[2d6 (4 5)]
Dave FToday at 11:17
Nah, try 3d6.. needs 11
DiceParserBOTToday at 11:17
# 11
Details:[3d6 (2 3 6)]
DiceParserBOTToday at 11:19
Warning: Unexpected character at 4 - end of command was ignored "turn count"
# 3
Details:[2d6 turn count (1 2)]
Paused pending a 5k run
captainquincyToday at 14:57
Unexpected character doing 5K run ![:grin:](
Dave FToday at 16:02
The police didn't show up anyway!
Back to my game! Northumberland shoots 3 units
Intense shooting 4. 5. 6
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:04
# 20
Details:[6d6 (2 5 1 5 3 4)]
Dave FToday at 16:05
3 hits. York saves
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:05
# 7
Details:[3d6 (2 4 1)]
Dave FToday at 16:14
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:14
# 13
Details:[4d6 (2 3 4 4)]
Dave FToday at 16:14
2 hits roll for casualties.
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:14
# 9
Details:[2d6 (6 3)]
And a thumb
Morale. Yor
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:20
# 9
Details:[3d6 (2 2 5)]
Dave FToday at 16:20
Reroll for general
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:21
# 2
Details:[1d6 (2)]
Dave FToday at 16:21
Still phased. Note to self revread that. Result hesitation.
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:23
# 8
Details:[2d6 (3 5)]
Dave FToday at 16:23
Northumberland removes his but Somerset keeps it
Battle clock
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:24
# 1
Details:[1d6 (1)]
York active.. morale. Doh! Warwick shoots. Intense.
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:26
# 15
Details:[5d6 (1 2 6 5 1)]
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:27
# 9
Details:[2d6 (4 5)]
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:30
# 17
Details:[6d6 (6 2 3 2 2 2)]
Dave FToday at 16:30
One hit? Really? Casualties...
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:30
# 4
Details:[1d6 (4)]
York attempts to assault
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:32
# 12
Details:[3d6 (1 5 6)]
And another pause for a cookery phase...
captainquincyToday at 16:42
Oooh, chips 'n' sarce?
Dave FToday at 16:45
Ah two courses! Chips and sauce! Nah just the veggies for Sunday dinner and by dinner I mean of course tea!
Foot ward +3. 3-4 bases width,+3 levy unit -1...ditch - 2 but this is up the lane so no ditch I think.building though -2. I make that 3d6
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:49
# 11
Details:[3d6 (5 2 4)]
Dave FToday at 16:51
2 hits by York
Northumberland same dice... Exceptbl I cocked up vock lane there. Minimum 5d6 and here I have 2 generals in the front rank.
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:51
# 14
Details:[5d6 (4 3 4 2 1)]
Dave FToday at 16:51
York 2 hits.
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:51
# 24
Details:[5d6 (6 3 5 6 4)]
Dave FToday at 16:52
Northumberland four hits a clear winner. Saves Lancaster
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:52
# 4
Details:[1d6 (4)]
Dave FToday at 16:52
Saved. And saves York
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:53
# 11
Details:[4d6 (2 6 1 2)]
Dave FToday at 16:53
One killed.
York rolls to remove low on arrows
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:56
# 5
Details:[1d6 (5)]
Dave FToday at 16:56
Battle clock
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:57
# 1
Details:[1d6 (1)]
Dave FToday at 16:57
Now 5.
captainquincyToday at 16:57
Time drags slowly when things are going against you.
Dave FToday at 16:58
The Yorkists are being kicked here. Still learning these rules so I'm slow anyway.
Attacking into scenery needs a roll of 11 on 3d6 but you get -2 dice attacking into buildings. St Albans is a strong position
Lancaster is active
Morale... York has 1 casualty (d6) levy present (d6) Lancaster counts better units because of the winning the fight marker
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:02
# 9
Details:[3d6 (2 3 4)]
Dave FToday at 17:03
One fail. Hesitation.
Lancaster shoots. Northumberland. 6 dice
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:04
# 20
Details:[6d6 (2 3 2 6 1 6)]
Dave FToday at 17:04
Two hits. York saves.
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:05
# 2
Details:[2d6 (1 1)]
Dave FToday at 17:05
Yes he does.
Somerset shoots. 4d6
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:05
# 13
Details:[4d6 (4 3 2 4)]
Dave FToday at 17:05
But the fellow is low on arrows so needs 6s. No hits.
Clifford (welcome to the game) shoots 4d6
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:06
# 11
Details:[4d6 (1 6 1 3)]
Dave FToday at 17:06
One hit. Salisbury saves.
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:06
# 1
Details:[1d6 (1)]
Dave FToday at 17:07
And he does. Lancaster needs to practice it's shooting more.
Lancaster do not attack . Somerset attempts to remove low on arrows. D6
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:08
# 2
Details:[1d6 (2)]
Dave FToday at 17:08
Nah. But Lancaster are in good shape. Battle clock.
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:09
# 5
Details:[1d6 (5)]
Almost half way through.
Yorkist is active
York needs to reform. He attempts to shoot. 3 dice only.
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:11
# 9
Details:[3d6 (5 2 2)]
Dave FToday at 17:12
A hit. A palpable hit!
Northumberland saves
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:12
# 3
Details:[1d6 (3)]
Dave FToday at 17:12
Saved. Those buildings are earning their keep
Warwick shoots. One unit out of order. 5dice
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:13
# 21
Details:[5d6 (6 4 6 1 4)]
Dave FToday at 17:14
Four hits. Somerset saves.
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:14
# 12
Details:[4d6 (3 2 2 5)]
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:15
# 4
Details:[2d6 (2 2)]
Dave FToday at 17:15
Two misses. That's the price for intense shooting
Salisbury shoots 4dice
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:16
# 12
Details:[4d6 (2 1 6 3)]
Dave FToday at 17:16
One hit. Clifford saves..
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:16
# 2
Details:[1d6 (2)]
Dave FToday at 17:16
And he does.
And it occurs to me again that the Lancastrians are hiding in scenery and automatically generated low on arrows for the Yorkists. St Albans, a gift that keeps on giving for York.
Warwick assaults.
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:19
# 6
Details:[3d6 (2 3 1)]
Dave FToday at 17:19
Except he doesn't. Warwick's lads can't cross the ditch apparently.
York attempts to reform ward.
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:20
# 2
Details:[1d6 (2)]
Dave FToday at 17:20
Fails. Goodness but York is not making headway
Battle clock.
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:21
# 6
Details:[1d6 (6)]
Lancaster active.
Shoots. Northumberland 6 dice intense shooting.
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:23
# 26
Details:[6d6 (1 6 6 4 5 4)]
captainquincyToday at 17:23
Dave FToday at 17:24
Yeah and I'm having both sides shoot intense. It's a risk to the general at 5 casualties...
Risk to York
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:24
# 2
Details:[1d6 (2)]
Dave FToday at 17:25
York is ok. 4 more hits.
captainquincyToday at 17:25
Dave FToday at 17:25
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:25
# 15
Details:[4d6 (6 4 4 1)]
Dave FToday at 17:25
One casualty. York saves
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:25
# 6
Details:[1d6 (6)]
captainquincyToday at 17:26
The bloke opposite me is pulling a bit of rope over the top of his house roof. It appears to be stuck. Isolation is doing strange things to some folk!
Dave FToday at 17:27
Does it have a noose attached at the business end?
captainquincyToday at 17:27
Ah, it's a garden hose.
Why didn't he just take it round the side of his garage?!
Dave FToday at 17:28
Damn. Perhaps it's his Everest?
captainquincyToday at 17:29
Maybe he'll take it round the side of his garage when it gets dark.
Dave FToday at 17:29
Ah the shame of the hose!
SmileyToday at 17:30
Mad neighbours aside; some miserable shooting so far. Have you been forgetting your rerolls?
Never played much BB.
captainquincyToday at 17:31
In the proudest tradition of the Petains.
Dave FToday at 17:32
On the plus side it's much quicker than I thought it would be. I actually like the dice roller.
Also being called for dinner that is actually tea. See you later gentlemen.
captainquincyToday at 17:37
Enjoy your meagre rations.
Until next time.
York is active player. Shooting. Warwick has a go.
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:44
# 11
Details:[3d6 (3 6 2)]
Dave FToday at 16:44
One hit, low on arrows. Saves.
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:44
# 2
Details:[1d6 (2)]
Dave FToday at 16:44
Salisbury shoots.
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:45
# 17
Details:[4d6 (4 5 6 2)]
Dave FToday at 16:45
Three hits intense. Take that!
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:45
# 11
Details:[3d6 (5 4 2)]
Dave FToday at 16:45
One killed. Reroll
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:46
# 7
Details:[3d6 (2 1 4)]
Dave FToday at 16:46
No casualties. Typical.
Salisbury assaults
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:46
# 5
Details:[3d6 (1 2 2)]
Dave FToday at 16:46
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:46
# 7
Details:[3d6 (4 2 1)]
Dave FToday at 16:47
Still no. Salisbury s men don't like the look of that ditch.
Both sides remove low on arrows. !1d6
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:48
# 5
Details:[1d6 (5)]
Dave FToday at 16:48
Warwick succeeds.
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:48
# 3
Details:[1d6 (3)]
Dave FToday at 16:48
Somerset fails
York attempts to restore ward
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:49
# 6
Details:[1d6 (6)]
Dave FToday at 16:49
Battle clock. 2d6 because I neglected the last Lancastrian one...
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:50
# 4
Details:[2d6 (3 1)]
Dave FToday at 16:51
4 added. Battle clock now 18..
The Lancastrians active. All ,"hiding in scenery". Somerset low on arrows
Northumberland shoots. 6d6
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:53
# 17
Details:[6d6 (3 1 5 4 3 1)]
Dave FToday at 16:53
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:53
# 19
Details:[6d6 (5 4 4 2 2 2)]
Dave FToday at 16:54
Three hits. Low on arrows. Saves
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:54
# 16
Details:[3d6 (4 6 6)]
Dave FToday at 16:54
Three kills. One up for Percy
Casualty figures down
Somerset shoots. 2d6
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:56
# 10
Details:[2d6 (5 5)]
Dave FToday at 16:56
Two hits. Saves.
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:56
# 8
Details:[2d6 (3 5)]
Dave FToday at 16:57
One kill
Clifford shoots. !4d6
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:58
# 12
Details:[4d6 (1 2 5 4)]
Dave FToday at 16:58
One hit. Reroll
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:58
# 11
Details:[4d6 (2 3 2 4)]
Dave FToday at 16:58
No hits. Reroll s not doing much,!
No moved no fights remove low on arrows. Warwick.
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:59
# 3
Details:[1d6 (3)]
Dave FToday at 16:59
DiceParserBOTToday at 16:59
# 3
Details:[1d6 (3)]
Dave FToday at 17:00
Nope. Somerset tries and Northumberland too. !2d6
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:00
# 6
Details:[2d6 (2 4)]
Dave FToday at 17:00
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:00
# 10
Details:[2d6 (6 4)]
Dave FToday at 17:01
Somerset passed Northumberland fails.
Battle clock.
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:01
# 6
Details:[1d6 (6)]
Dave FToday at 17:02
Battle clock now 24. This battle ends on 25 for the scenario. That makes the Yorkist turn the last go.
York takes morale. York 3d6
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:05
# 5
Details:[3d6 (1 1 3)]
Dave FToday at 17:06
Hold the bus and rewind. 3 casualties should be 5 dice.
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:06
# 18
Details:[5d6 (1 5 4 2 6)]
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:06
# 18
Details:[5d6 (1 5 4 2 6)]
Dave FToday at 17:06
Two fails. Reroll
Dave FToday at 17:07
Oops. Possible rout. !1d6
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:07
# 3
Details:[1d6 (3)]
Dave FToday at 17:08
All units out of order...
Warwick rolls. 3d6
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:08
# 9
Details:[3d6 (4 1 4)]
Dave FToday at 17:08
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:08
# 7
Details:[3d6 (1 2 4)]
Dave FToday at 17:09
One fail. Stands.
No- hesitation... Warwick stands as York falls back
Looking like the jig is up for the Yorkists. Warwick however chooses to assault. Why not!(edited)
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:12
# 15
Details:[3d6 (5 4 6)]
Dave FToday at 17:13
Pass. Warwick assaults.
Foot ward. Units 4 bases wide. Levy present-1. The ditch and buildings -2. Minimum 5d6 per ward.
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:15
# 9
Details:[5d6 (1 5 1 1 1)]
Dave FToday at 17:15
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:15
# 27
Details:[5d6 (6 4 6 5 6)]
Dave FToday at 17:16
Whoosh. Go Warwick... Somerset defends
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:16
# 11
Details:[5d6 (2 3 3 1 2)]
Dave FToday at 17:16
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:16
# 19
Details:[5d6 (4 5 6 1 3)]
Dave FToday at 17:20
Three hits. Warwick wins by one hit. That's a draw = less than 2 hits difference. Assaulter and target both out of order. Casualties Warwick
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:20
# 7
Details:[2d6 (5 2)]
Dave FToday at 17:20
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:21
# 5
Details:[2d6 (1 4)]
Dave FToday at 17:21
No kills. Somerset.
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:22
# 11
Details:[4d6 (2 2 5 2)]
Dave FToday at 17:22
One kill take that! Messed Warwick up there it was three hits so. !1d6
DiceParserBOTToday at 17:22
# 3
Details:[1d6 (3)]
Dave FToday at 17:24
Miss. Warwick falls back in disorder.
Game over. Now the points work out...
Dave FToday at 18:10
DiceParserBOTToday at 18:10
# 10
Details:[3d6 (2 6 2)]
Dave FToday at 18:10
A win by 10 points. A noted win! This will bring them to heel...
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