Wednesday 13 December 2017

Dyle Crossing Game 2: Gastuche

Gastuche lies just before the Dyle Bridge.  The BEF had demolished the bridge, however the Germans wished to capture the position, and in fact were able to repair the bridge to sufficiently to effect a crossing.

The Germans load their troops into this patrol, including more of those damn Sdkfz222.

The opening moves.  An excellent roll for the Germans.  Infantry Sections and Armoured Cars appear.

The BEF get an Infantry section onto the hill behind the small copse.  An excellent position dominating the field.

2DLI hammer the Germans with small arms fire.

Across the small stream the british occupy the churchyard.  The 31st Division have infiltrated into the village.

The British Sergeant leads a section from the copse to the hedgeline near the wheat field.  

Another great roll for the Germans.  The Armoured Cars target the British Sergeant and his section, as do the German mg34 crew in the farmyard.

The British are shocked into a withdrawal.

The Germans assault the churchyard, throwing the BEF out.  They can enfilade the hill from this location.  They also capture a British Jump off Point.

The remains of a British section are assaulted by a German section supported by two of the Armoured cars.
This is tenuous since both Armoured cars were firing and strictly speaking (after looking at the photograph) one was masked.  Still those Brits were pretty much doomed.

A DLI attack from the hill struck the German Armoured car as it tried to cross the stream.

Pretty much the end game as the Germans take the hill, capturing the second JOP.  I even captured their Chain of Command dice.  not sure if that's a legal move either!

The end game saw the BEF rolled out of the village.  With the capture of Gastuche the Germans have the options to:

  • Infiltrate during the night of the 14/15th

  • Attack and secure the flank positions

  • Assault the Bridge.

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