Wednesday 27 June 2018

Kiln Creek: Peninsula 1862

Last time in the Peninsula:
Senior Captain Marion P. Perv went missing in action with Miss Daisy
Captain Titball took a ball to the leg.  3 months recovery
Lieutenant Sackrider shot in the head.
Sergeant I.P Freely captured... yes Captured, by the rebs!

Lieutenant Mike Krotch of the Confederate Zouaves shot in the chest and expired in the arms of his Captain.  

The 11th Massachusetts morale is at an all time low.   This however is the time Parson Floyd Farthingdale returns to the Regiment, following his convalescence.  The Parson had been wounded at Balls Bluff, but the 11th are once again his "Flock."

Leaving Hampton the Company march through to Northampton, going cross country, skirmishers forward.  Reaching Cobbb's farm at 11am the Company advance on a poor dirt track to Kiln Creek, where the rebels have thrown down the poor houses and used the wood to construct defences.

Roscoe, a dirt farmer from Northampton guides the Union Company north to kiln Creek for a passel of them thar Yankee dollars. 

Preacher Welby is also encountered on the road, spouting his pro Southern views, but Parson Farthingdale is a fervent abolitionist and has the preacher thrown into the Creek by Lieutenant Niles Crane.

My hills need some work!

The Parson back, leading his flock.  The trademark Bible clutched to his heart. (Although Company rumour has it this is actually strong Victorian pornography)

Confederate Skirmishers on the heights

The Parson advances on the left, in two lines.

The rebel skirmishers cut the union to pieces

Captain Farthingdale sends his company onto the heights, but one of his groups pokes its nose into the trap

The Confederate Skirmishers withdraw as the Union take the heights

The Union lose a group to all of that crossfire

But then it looks as if it is the Confederates who are struggling.  Colonel Whitmore stands firm...

The Confederate skirmishers put up a tremendous fire to break another Union group.

But with only two groups left from an original five the Parson must withdraw to await reinforcements.  

Just for once no Officer casualties!  Still a resounding win for the Confederates.

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