Wednesday 2 January 2019

Longships Armies in 15mm

Longships in 15mm

The Kingdom of Aethelbald the Totally Bald

The West Angles or Wangles were a late arrival in Britain, taking up residence in the cold and frankly rather nasty marshes to the west of the River Trent, land which in reality nobody else wanted.  Modern scholars locate the Kingdom of the West Angles somewhere between modern day Scunthorpe and Doncaster, an area which even today few would describe as pleasant. History has in the main ignored the West Angles, as did most of their neighbours. 

The King, Aethelbald the Really Bald was descended from Aethelbrow, son of Aethelchin, son of Aethelnose, the Original Settler.  The Mercians, East Angles and Northumbrians scrupulously failed to notice the presence of this small Kingdom, being too polite to mention them in source material. 

Aethelbald made his capital in the small fortified town of Scun’s Thorpe.  His nobles occupied the villages surrounding this to the West.  The old Roman fort of Donceaster was occupied by his son Aethelear Sore Ears.  

The Wangle Chronicle of St Swinehelm's monastery uses dates based on the founding of the Kingdom, and can confuse unwary scholars, however it has been postulated that the reign of Aethelbald began around 820AD and at the time of the Viking attacks he had ruled for some twenty years.

The Ase Vikings

Ase Red Faced earned his sobriquet due to his florid complexion and huge drinkers nose.  Jarl Arse enjoyed  a following of five ships crews, and his retainers included the nobles, Balder Canute, Dah Egil and Finn.  The alphabetic nature of the names of these leaders was later seized upon by zealous monks to indicate that Ase was some sort of evil devil spawned sorcerer, but the truth was that the Vikings didn`t really understand this or even actually notice. 

Finn, one of his most mistrusted captains and a man who had a passion for beating monks, commanded the (Levy) dregs of the force, but the remainder of Ase`s men and leaders were of quite reasonable quality.

According to Ase`s Saga he attacked the West Angles during his third Viking Cruise to Britain, along with the Chronicle it represents the primary source material for serious students of the period.  Conversely however the infamous X rated Movie "Ase against the Wangles" does not cover these historical events at all, but oddly enough does include a passionate monk beating scene.  Copies are difficult to obtain, but a postal order to Mr Quilp, care of the Pelton Home for Aged Wargamers would probably be successful.

Elements Points Costs

Unit leader. 20.  Armoured. 13  Unarmoured. 8  Levy. 3  Berserker. 10
Cavalry unit leader. 20 Armoured cavalry. 15 Unarmoured cavalry. 9
Skirmisher base. 8

My 15mm armies so far...

Number of bases
General Ase Red Faced
(1 base)

Unit #1
8 bases
Leader, 1 beserker, 3 Armoured,
2 Unarmoured, 1 Levy
20 10 39  16  3
Unit #2
8 bases
Leader, 1 beserker, 3 Armoured,
2 Unarmoured, 1 Levy
20 10 39  16  3
Unit #3
8 bases
Leader, 1 beserker, 3 Armoured,
2 Unarmoured, 1 Levy
20 10 39  16  3
Unit #4
8 bases
Leader,   4 Unarmoured,  3 Levy
20 32 9
= 61
Unit 5#
8 bases
Leader,  7 Levy
20  21 =41
2 Skirmisher units
2 +2 bases
4 Skirmisher
16+16 =32



Number of bases
General  Aethelbald the Really Bald

(1 base)

Unit #1   Bron

6 bases
Leader, 5 Armoured,

20, 65 = 85
Unit #2 Ceatta

8 bases
Leader, 1 Champion, 3 Armoured,
2 Unarmoured, 1 Levy
20 10 39  16  3
Unit #3   Durwyn

8 bases
Leader, 1 Champion, 3 Armoured,
2 Unarmoured, 1 Levy
20 10 39  16  3
Unit #4 Eadbehrt

8 bases
Leader, 3 Unarmoured, 4 Levy
20 24 12 =66
Unit 5#  Fecca

8 bases
Leader, 7 Levy
20 21 =41
2 Skirmisher units
2+2 bases
4 Skirmisher
16 +16=32


That's a lot of Levy figures.  I quickly realised that I just hadn't bought anywhere near enough to fill out 26 bases of Levy between these two armies.  Still I don't have any great respect for Levy, so in 15mm I used a single peasant on a base to represent them.
I'm well aware that 130 figures would look better than 26 on those bases but hey, my hand luggage weighed in heavily as it was.  I will add the extra figures later if I decide it doesn't look right...  

As of today these two armies are cleaned and based.  Next up some long painting sessions!

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