Saturday 2 February 2019

The Sopwith Pup appears: Day 3, 1916

The Sopwith Pup appears: Day 3, 1916

1916, continuing game three.  The Germans have the Rumpler of Sigmund Wank and the Eindekker of the Blue Baron von Pumphosen up over the Somme.  The Allied answer is to send in the veteran Lt Kenny Clarke.

Kenny is pictured here in his designer Sopwith Pup.  A nice well armed aircraft, fast enough to match the Eindekker.

Kenny sideslips to get onto the Rumpler.  A good burst damages its engine and kills the rear gunner.

Sigmund spins down but recovers and levels it out, turning for home.

But the time wasted bagging the Rumpler has allowed the Blue Baron to re-appear.  He gets onto the side of the Pup and delivers a belt of Mg bullets into Kenny.

Exit Kenny Clarke down in flames..
Reviewing the picture of this I realise that the Baron wasn't lined up properly, so I may spare Kenny, however the Baron has now downed five enemy aircraft!  A promotion and Ace status...

The Rumplers cross as Sgmund leaves and Fitz Sexpest arrives on table, proving incidentally that I have two models!
But arriving on the scene... Maurice!
Some people call him the French Cowboy
Some call him the Hamster of Love,
he's a joker,
he's a smoker,
he's a mid-night toker...*

* the Marshal Petain Gentleman's club do not advise the use of hallucinogenic substances whilst flying the Nieuport 11 Scout aircraft... or any aircraft...

Head to head the Baron gets a better shot in, but he is now down to half his ammo

Maurice hard turns and threatens the Rumpler

Another of those spinning WW1 dog fights.  Impossible to call but Maurice is outnumbered.  The rear gunner on the Rumpler performs poorly...

The Blue Baron gets on the side of the Nieuport, but again his shooting is poor.

Maurice however kills the Rumpler with an excellent shot.  Some people call him the French Cowboy...

The Eindekker however is a decisive weapon.  The Baron Manfred von Pumphosen gets onto the side of the Nieuport and gets a shot into its engine.

More twists and turns as the Rumpler goes in, but the Baron uses the last of his ammo and misses again.

The Baron turns, diving for home at height 3 and a promotion.  It occurs to me that the blue Robust dice is a bit pointless.

With its engine on fire Maurice coaxes the Nieuport back over the lines.

The Allies

The Hun (added another Eindekker after the game)

Hauptmann The Baron Manfred von Pumphosen and Leutenant "Rot" Max Todtraum of Jasta 7.
"Red" Max may be a Sprog, but that is a dangerous aircraft...

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