Wednesday 17 July 2019

Recruiting Ramjet's Rangers

Back in the day I often had armies in two different scales.  Actually I once owned Caesarean Romans in 28, 15, 10 and 6mm.
No more of that I promised myself... Until the latest French Indian War offering from Warlord Games appeared, a Rogers Rangers pack of 12 figures in a nice shiny box, lurking in Durham Model shop.
This was not the clincher; the 20% discount was.

I'm not even going to justify my double scale madness.  I've been gaming Rebels and Patriots in 10mm where I already have a small Ranger force, but actually of course a small force is just about all you need.

Then I noticed a new range from Warrior Miniatures as I was planning my remaining Viking boat crews.  One each of these gives me more than 20 different Ranger figures in my force, and a great character figure for Lootenant Bucky...

The Warrior Miniatures Rangers.  I really like these guys.

28mm does bring something to a game, and especially a solo one, but I fully intend to keep this project small.  It is an add on to my 10mm forces rather than a replacement.

Robert Rogers was a complicated character.  A heroic leader and guerrilla fighter, but also a roistering party animal and gambler.  Despite his success during the French Indian War he was treated shamefully by both Britain and Congress. 

My Imaginations style Indian War has as its heroic Ranger Captain Roger Ramjet, a caricature of the 20th American Century perceptions of a hero rather than anything to do with Robert Rogers himself.  

My Rangers Captain character is about as deep as his cartoon persona.  To emphasise this his sidekick, the annoyingly cheery Lootenant Bucky, is drawn from another American cartoon series, as is Grizzled veteran Ranger Bob the Sponge with his pet wolf Squawpants.  The poor local Militia of Jebadiah Nathaniel Springfield are also there, mainly to be rescued.

Warlord Games are providing the French, as well as Magua for my Native American Chief.

After paying Warrior prices ten quid for six figures brings a tear to the eye, and a shake to the wallet.

Game One

A small skirmish on the Conococheague.

Ramjet and his men are pursuing a raiding party of Abenaki along the Conococheague creek.  The Native warband is suddenly reinforced by Magwoo, the (short sighted) War Chief of the Algonquin, and they turn on their pursuers.

3 groups of 6 Rangers with 3 Leaders
Captain Ramjet
Lt. Bucky Browne
Sergeant Bob Sponge and his pet Wolf Squawpants

2 groups of 12 Abenaki
1 Group of French woodsmen.

The War Party under Magwoo starts at point 1.
The Rangers enter at point 2
The French and their Huron allies are at point 3.
The French include French Lieutenant de Militia Jean Luc Petomaine
Sergeant Christophe Courgette
Marine Bou Baguette.

Random events

6.  The Bear.
A large and angry Grizzly appears within 6" of a random group, between the group and the river.

5.  The Wolf
The howl of a lone wolf echoes across the tabletop.  A Ranger from a random group looses a shot at it.

4.  The coward
A figure in a random group breaks and runs for their home baseline.

3.  The trip/broken leg
A clumsy fall, and a figure in a random group breaks a leg.  A comrade will assist him towards the baseline at quarter speed.

2.  The mud pit
A randomly selected group discovers a mudpit to their direct front.

1.  Wet powder
The group nearest to the river has damp powder.  Hand to hand only from now on.

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