Sunday 12 January 2020

These Aren’t the 'Bots You’re Looking For

These Aren’t the 'Bots You’re Looking For

A scenario from the Galactic Heroes edition of Fistful of Lead.

The plans for the Empire’s new Battle Station have been stolen. The plans are on a robot that’s  been captured by  rebel forces.  The rebels must cross a notoriously villainous desert town to get to their waiting ship. 

The Set Up
The table should features mostly buildings. The Rebels enter at  “A”  and must cross to the waiting ship at  “B”.
Please forgive my Weetabix packet card ship and buildings.   Consider it recycling.
The Imperials start at "C."  Nuff said really.

Both sides should have  a standard squad of 5 miniatures led by  a Leader with a Specialist and 3 Regulars. One of the rebel groups should contain the robot with half the plans.

Special Rules
The Robot-  The rebel player must assign a miniature to  escort the robot. The robot moves with the assigned miniature.  It will move when he/she does and stay within 1”. 
The rebel player may elect to leave  the robot unattended, in which case the robot will move randomly at the end of the turn.

The rebels win if they can the robot to the ship at location B and receive 5 Renown Points.

The Imperial forces must capture the robot to win.  They cannot destroy the robot to win.  The Emperor wants to know how the plans were stolen and needs the robot intact. 
The Empire gets 5 RP if it is recovered and moved to location C. For purposes of the scenario, the waiting spaceship cannot be destroyed.

There is a time limit on the game. The ship needs take off before Imperial ships blockade the planet. At the end of turn 6, roll a d10. If the die result 6 or below, the ship had to take off. If the roll is 7 or more, that becomes the last turn number for the game.

Other forces

Civilians on the Map are diplomats, neutral ship crew, and townsfolk.  If any are killed the local Law enforcement team will arrive and start shooting.
A civilian force of gangsters, controlled by a local Hutt Mafia boss, will intervene if any rebel figures move within 4" of the cantina but this seems unlikely since the cantina was deemed to be the building furthest North East.

Pilot  Harrison Fiat
Co-pilot  Chewsbaccy
3 Crew  Rebel Expendables
1 robot  RU12

Lieutenant Gerit Arde
Sergeant  Grip M'Column
3 troopers  jet pack joyriders

I'm slightly worried there may be more of this to come...

The Heroes in their 1980's paint job

The Imperials charge on

Harrison Fiat takes a shot at the Stormtroopers,  The crew try to hussle the robot across town

Harrison looks a little outgunned.  That painting is shocking, done with ancient enamels as I remember!

The Imperials jetpack up to the top of the weetabix packet buildings.  Fiendish these guys!

The rebel crew are still trying to stall.  The Co-pilot holds the rearguard position

But the Imperials begin the head the rebels off.

Still the robot is making progress

Harrison gets a trooper, with a second roll

But the Imperials have boxed the rebels in.  Harrison and his crew must make a run for the ship.

The robot almost gets to the ship, and my last crew member misses his shot.

The last rebel is cut down, and the robot captured.  The ship never does take off, probably just as well considering its dodgy construction.
The Imperials escort the robot back to their base and a well earned 5VP.  A promotion to Captain for Gerit 'Ard.  Looks like the Doom Moon is safe until the sequel.

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