Friday 5 June 2020

Scenario 3 All along the Watchtower

Scenario Three,  All along the Watchtower. 

The third Century of the Tungrians have today's task of visiting the chain of watchtowers on the north bank of the Rhine.  Centurion Marcus Bovi "the ox" has never been the brightest of the Cohorts centurions, but as his name suggests, he is a mountain of a man. 

Third Cohort have crossed at Watchtower 6, and have relieved the tent party at Watchtowers three and four.  The last task will be to relieve Watchtower five in Tencteri territory, and cross back at Watchtower seven after a visit to a Tencteri village.
What could go wrong?

Plot complications

The broad stripe Tribune Lucius Supercilious with two Legionary tent parties of the Larks as his guard are already at Watchtower five when the Tungrian's arrive.  The Larks are missing a narrow stripe Tribune and it is suspected that he is in the German village.  The Tungrian Century are ordered to assist the Legion in recovering the missing "young gentleman."

The Game

March to the battlefield - An omen!  D6  6. Rain.  Spirits are lowered.

The battlefield.  
The Legionaries on the left, and six tent parties of Tungrian Auxilia on the right.   My slingers from the Tungrians,  six figures, leading the way. 

The Legionary Centurion and his Optio.

The German ambush is revealed behind the village.

As the warbands target the Legionaries the Auxilia close in.

The Auxilia batter the warbands, as their Optio foils the ambush. 

In fact the Optio with two tent parties routs the ambush, captures the village and rescues the "young gentleman" Tribune.

Broad stripe Tribune Lucius Supercilious is wounded.  Doubtless the credit will all be claimed by this snide "hero."  
These three games amply demonstrated that this systemfor Men of Bronze works well, although I'm expecting Infamy to be better.
I also demonstrated a need to replace those plastic HaT Germans with metal Newlines.  Fortunately the next Campaign for the Tungrian's will be the invasion of Britannia, where my Britons are a mix of metal and really good Italeri plastics.

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