Monday 1 February 2021

Last stand in the Borderlands

 Sir Hugh and his retinue are the Bishop's men.  They have cleared the threat of the Heresy of Pity, and are now chasing across Cestria Moor towards Nettle's enclosure.  His Eminence' Witch Smeller, the ragged Findlay, attached to Sir Hugh's retinue insists on a burning!

Renegade heretic priest Lionel has run off towards Nettle's farm, where the last stand of this area will be made and hopefully I can get rid of the last threat point in this series of games.  

The dice however indicate a Dark Secret threat.  It seems that one of the other Noble Houses is behind the troubles on the Great North Road.  A last dice roll informs me that Nettle's farm is abandoned.  Clearly named for the nettles that grow there!  It's the lair of the final "Boss" for this part of the campaign.  ("Boss" is my word here!)  The terrain also includes a ruined keep, long forgotten by history, but newly constructed by me!

The torn flag's camp, with a Lambton Captain in his red tabard
The Eagle's view
The Bishop's men charge across the open field
The renegades rally around the Lambtun Captain.  Lionel the heretic slinks to the back.  Its what we have come to expect.
The clash of arms
The Bishop's archers exchange arrows.

The veteran's of Sir Hugh's retinue cut through into the enemy

The renegades are driven back into their camp.  Lionel leaps onto his Ass and makes his escape.  The remainder surrender.

Once again Sir Hugh fails to gain the 200 marks reward on Lionel, but the captured renegades and the Lambtun Captain are worth 253 marks.  It has been a profitable expedition and Hugh can pay the lad.

I`ve enjoyed this series of games, although I think the rules would better suit the feudal period.  I need to seriously consider the future of my 15mm collection given that these larger figures gave such better games.

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