Friday 26 March 2021

The Infamy Early Imperial Romans

The Caesarean Romans over in Cyprus are some of my nicest figures.  For the Table E Infamy games back in the UK, whenever such a thing is again allowed, I volunteered to be one of the Early Imperial Romans and supply the Legio II Minima.  This was one of the first orders I made on going into isolation after our marathon trip back to the UK.

The Romans arrived from Warlord this morning, coming in at five groups of Legionaries, (possibly six, since I bought pair of spare sprues) a group of Auxiliary Archers and up to three groups of Auxiliary foot once I buy that extra box.  
My thinking is that the additional Auxiliary boys will allow me to field a civil war type game or use them as revolting Batavians. 
Longer term I do plan to add a box of Warlord Germans and a pack of Germans in captured Roman equipment.

The Warlord Legionaries are smaller, certainly much shorter than the (frankly excellent) Caesarean range, but not so much so that it's immediately noticeable. The metal figures are really good too, and I went for mounted Officers, a Primus Centurion and a company mule.  Rumours about the Primus relationship with Vesta the ironically named pack mule abound throughout the Legion, and everyone ignores the fact that he seems to call this vicious animal "mother."

The Primus, whom I have named Titus, is a fabulously posed figure.
His best friend in the Legion, Vesta the pack mule, is only undercoated so far, but has a nasty look in her eyes.

The Auxiliaries will be lead by the incompetent Dubious Figulus, my Roman Avatar.  The 2nd Tungrians are of the firm belief that their worst enemies are in all circumstances are the Batavians cohorts, and that they are just as good as the Batavians.  I`m hoping they are right. 

My detachment of the II Mimima are lead by the mounted (and foot figues model) tribune (narrow stripe, let's not get excited) Quilpius Brevis Domum. A scion of the Noble Quilpius family the youthful, ode writing, lisping Quilpius is popular in "Wome."  Just how he will deal with the hard bitten much swearing Veteran Titus Mono Ocular and the incompetent Figulous remains to be seen.

For solo gaming I have no opposing forces for the new Romans.  Over in Cyprus I am collecting a powerful Celtic force, and my intention longer term is to add a box of German tribesmen for my Infamy games.  A moment of epiphany struck during an online painting session.  I can use my Biblical Canaanites and tribesmen as Jewish revolters (Chariots left in the box with the Bronze armoured guys.)  I'm sure these are doable under Infamy, certainly for a set of three games. 

I'm thinking of the 67AD campaign by Cestius Gallus and the Syrian IIX Legion. More specifically one of its additional legionary detachments from III Gallicus holding a coastal city during the revolt.
"Cwucify him Centwurion..."

For terrain I have my Bronze age Perry building, and a second scratch built one that fits inside for storeage.  Both of these are useful for crusading and biblical games.

With a new double sided terrain mat on order it looks like I'm in a painting Phase for a few days.  No garden painting though.  The weather in Durham doesn't really compare to Cyprus, although no Coptic winds or sand storms is a bonus.

Wemember me to your fwiends in Wome.
Dubious Figulus, 2nd Tungrians

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