My campaign and battle notes, army lists and general game notes for the Bronze Age. These are posted here as my notes. Have I emphasised that these are notes?
Uses Rebels and patriots officer development. Aim: Become a General
Recruits, nefru, went into drill companies Sekheferu. The best of these went to serve in military companies as Menfyt, seasoned soldiers
Waw was the lowest rank soldier
Garrison troops were iwayet.
For higher ranks and in particular scribes I'll use the term overseer, usually civil servants.
There were two basic types of infantry megau (shooters) and nachtu-aa (hand-to-hand fighters, literally 'strong-arm boys').
The basic tactical and administrative unit was the Sa (company). The: full complement was 250 men but it could sometimes be under strength. Each Sa had its own name and standard. This was carried by the Tjai-seryt (Standard bearer), who commanded the unit. Three administrative personnel were attached to the Sa: a scribe, adjutant (idnu), and quartermaster.
The Sa was subdivided into 5 platoons of 50 men each under a Díjwu “Greatest of Fifty.”
These in turn comprised 5 squads of 10 men each under a 'Greatest of Ten', Two or more companies could be: combined to form a Pedjet (host). This was comnunded by a Hery- Pedjet (host commander)
Attached to the Pedjet were a Seket (assault officer) and a meshkeb (transport officer). The Pedjet was probably a tactical formation, the exact size of which is not known and may not havc been fixed. Thc orginisation of the Sa was based on multiples of five. If this was extended to the pedjet it would have comprised 5 companies (1250 men). The hery-pedjet could also act as a garrison commander.
The names of many infantry companics have survived and a selection is included below:
Bull in Nubia The company of King Nebmare;
The Aton Glitters
The company of Shooters
Amun; Strength of the Army
Pacifier of the gods
Strong in Valour
Ancient Egyptian Names. The names imply character and background.
2. AKHOM: "eagle."
3. AKIIKI: "friendly."
4 AKIL: "intelligent."
5 AKO: "tired, weary."
6 ANPU: "royal child."a jackal-headed god of the underworld
7 ANUM: Egyptian name meaning "born fifth."Quintus
8 APEP: Serpent of the Nile or Slitherer, Evil Lizard
9 ATSU: "twin."double name roll again
10 BABAFEMI: "loved by his father."Patronage
11 BAKARI:"noble oath."
12 BARUTI: "teacher."
13. BENIPÉ: Egyptian name meaning "iron."
14. BES: "brings joy."a dwarf and a joker
15. BITI: "king of the north."empty title Nubian
16. BOMANI: "warrior."
17. BUIKHU: "the best."
18 CHIBALE: "kinsman."Patronage
19 CHIGARU: "hound."A dog
20 CHISISI: "secret."
21. CHUMA: "wealthy."
22 DAKARAI: "happy." Compare with another form of Dakarai.
23 DONKOR: "humble."
24 EBO: "born on Tuesday."Grace (the dice) of the gods
25 FENUKU: "born late."never on time
26 FUNSANI: "a request."in debt
27 GAHIJI: "hunter."
28 GYASI: "wonderful."
29. HAMADI: "praised."Patronage
30. HARU: "falcon" the distant one, son of Isis
31 HASANI: "handsome."
32. HONDO: "war."
33. HOR-AKA: "Horus of the Reeds." Bends.
34. IABI: "weak."
35 IDOGBE: "brother of twins."There are three of them!
36 IMHOTEP: "the one who comes in, with peace."former priest
37. INPU: "royal child." A bastard
38 ISHAQ: "laughs."
39 JABARI: "brave."
40 JAHI: "dignified."
41. JIBADE: "related to royalty."
42 JUMOKE: "loved by all."
43 KAFELE: "would die for."A leader
44 KAHOTEP: "peaceful essence."
45. KAMENWATI: "dark rebel."inauspicious
46. KARAWAN: "to avert the evil eye"
47 KEMNEBI: "black panther."Nubian
48 KEMOSIRI: "black Osiris."Nubian
49 KHAI: "crowned."birthmsrk
50 KHALDUN: "immortal."
51. KHALFANI: "shall rule."promising
52 KHENTI: "leader."
53. KHNEMU: "to model."He's so vain
54 KONTAR: "only son."patronage
55. LISIMBA: "lion."
56. LUZIGE: "locust."
57. MADU: "of the people."popular
58 MASKINI: "poor."ill suited, over promoted
59. MDJAI: "soldier."
60. MENSAH: "born third."auspicious, clever
61 . MHOTEP: "peacemaker."
62 MKHAI: "fighter."
62 MOSEGI: "tailor."
63 MOSWEN: "light skin."
64 . MSHAI: "traveler."
65 NAKHTI: "powerful."
66. NEBIBI: "panther."
67. NIZAM: "disciplined."
68 NKOSI: "rules."
69 NKUKU: "rooster."
70. OBA: "scepter holder"
71. ODJI: "wicked."
72. OKPARA: "firstborn."patronage
73 OMARI: "high born."
74 PANAHASI: "the barbarian."
75 PANHSJ: "the Nubian," i.e. "dark-complexioned."
76 QUAASHIE: "born on Sunday."Favoured
77 RASHIDI: "wise."
78 RASUI: "dreamer"
79 REMMAO: "rich man."
80 RUNIHURA: "destroyer."
81 SABOLA: "pepper."
82 SADIKI: "faithful."
83 SEFU: "sword."
84 SEKANI: "laughs."
85 SHENTI: Egyptian name meaning "hairy."
86 SHUSHU: "braggart."
87 SUDI: "lucky." Osiris.
88 TAU: "lion."
89 THABIT: "strong."
90 TUMAINI: "hope."
91 UBAID: "faithful."
92 UNIKA: Egyptian name meaning "shining."
93 UR: Egyptian name meaning "great." A title. Roll again.
94 USI: "smoke."
95 WAKHASHEM: "little fool."
96 WATI: "rebel."
97 YAFEU: "bold."
98 YAMANU: "the hidden one."
99 ZUBERI: "strong."
100 ZUKA: Egyptian "Grave"[1]
Bronze Age Retinues
1 Samuel 18: 'The king desires no marriage present except a hundred foreskins of the Philistines,
Troop types
Samuel 2:11 15 "Set Uriah the Hittite in the forefront of the hardest fighting, and then draw back from him”
Attack 4+ Attack value 3+
Move 6+ 8" Defence 5+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value 5+ Range 6"
Courage 3+ Armour 4
Special rules: Countercharge
Maryanuu chariot archers +1 point. Range increases to 12"
Expert drivers 1 point. Skirmish at 7+, move half shoot half at -1
Levy generally poorly armoured spearmen fulfilling a very similar role to Foot Spearmen. They usually lack shields and body armour, but like Foot Spearmen they can use their long spears to form a Wall of Spears for protection in close combat. Although they lack the staying power of Foot Spearmen, they are manoeuvrable and therefore well suited to taking objectives and holding them against light opposition. They are under threat from missile fire, which are able to shoot them down from a distance.
They may be upgraded to Expert in the same manner as Foot Spears, and they also have an option to upgrade to carry javelins, giving them a short range missile threat of their own.
Attack 6+ Attack Value 5+
Move 5+ Defence Value 4+
Shoot – Shoot Value –
Courage 4+ Maximum movement 8”
Armour 2 Special rules Wall of Spears
• Spear wall: There needs to be 6 or more models in unit to form a Wall of Spears. On a Move order, form the unit into a two rank formation based around a central model; a spear wall cannot form in Rough terrain or in cover, and it cannot move in this formation. Spear walls increase their Armour by 1 point.
The Egyptians
1 x Light Chariots @4 points
2 x Foot Spearmen @4 points
1 x Closed Ranked Bowmen @4 points
2 x Chariot runners, Elite Skirmishers @3 points
(Later Option) 1 x Fierce Foot @4 points Sherden guard to replace 1 chariot runner.
1 CinC in Chariot, 2 foot Generals for Sword and Spear.
27 or 28 points
The Libyans
1 x Fierce Foot @4 points, Swordsmen
1 x Light Skirmishing Foot @2 points
3 x Light Skirmishing Bow @2 points
2 groups of Sea Peoples allied/mercenaries groups, under an allied chief.
16 or 20 points
The Sea Peoples
1 x Fierce Foot @4 points Sherden swordsmen
1 x Fierce Foot @4 pointsPeleset
1 x Fierce Foot @4 points Sheklesh
1 x Fierce Foot @4 points Lukka
1 x Fierce Foot @4 points Weshwesh
1 x Light Skirmishing Foot @2 Shassu javelinmen
1 Command Chariot, 2 allied Foot chieftains for Sword and Spear.
26 points
The Nubians
3 foot commanders
2 x Fierce Foot @4 points clubmen
3 x Light Skirmishing Bow @2 points
22 points
The Canaanites
1 x Maryannu Chariots @4 points Canaanite
1 x Elite Maryannu @5 points Hittites
1 x Maryannu Chariots @4 points Sea Peoples
1 x Foot Levy @ 3 Points
1 x Levy Close Bowmen @ 3 points
1 x Chariot runners, Elite Skirmishers @3 points
1 x Light Skirmishing Bow @2 points
24 points
1 x Elite Maryannu @5 points Hittites
1 x Maryannu Chariots @4 points Sea Peoples vassals
1 x Foot Levy @ 3 Points
1 x Levy Close Bowmen @ 3 points
1 x Chariot runners, Elite Skirmishers @3 points
1 x Foot Spearmen @4 points.
26 points.
- A pair of monkey trainers and a Monkey fighting contest.
- Slave girl collecting water
- A rich merchant
- A rich merchant’s wife
- A young noble and his old retainer seeking to defect
- A priest who will try to convert your men to the the Worship of Vectron
- An escaped slave with vital information
- A slave overseer looking for an escaped slave
- A nobles nubile daughter, with a tray of sweetmeats.
- A drunken Butler with a collection of wine amphora
- A wise old lad drinking Egyptian beer and wanting to reminisce.
- Two civilians appear, dice twice more.
- A boy with a flock of goats.
- A big and hungry crocodile appears in the exact centre of any river on table
- Two slaves building a wall.
- A burning bush that wants to talk to a Prince of Egypt.
- A small fishing felucca, with an angry fisherman.
- A farmer worrying about his crops
- Ermintrude the Sacred cow, wandering about as usual
- An escaped prisoner from the attacking army, who has knowledge of the enemies plans.
Spank the Monkey
I didn't expect to get two of the Egyptian monkey handlers in my civilians packs. I'm pretty sure one of these is a mistake. No matter, I have re-invented the ancient Egyptian sport of Monkey Fighting, get your shekels down, it's a totally made up, ancient traditional sport.
Players must bet a (victory point) shekel each on the outcome.
Each monkey handler has their tunics lined blue and red to make it easy, so release your monkeys and dice...
Handlers dice for initiative, to see whose monkey has the most aggression, and the winner attacks first, in a simple IGOUGO game...
A Win: 5 or 6
6. The monkey savages it's rival and wins outright.
5. The monkey jumps onto it's rival and attempts monkey sex
The fight continues: 3 or 4
4. The monkey throws it's poo at the audience
3. The monkey waves it's monkey penis at the audience
A Loser: 1 or 2
2. The monkey shows its arse and runs away.
1. With a shriek the monkey bites it's handler, infecting him with biblical ebola.
The campaigning forces return to their depots after the year represented by the move on the Senet track, although they may leave a Garrison or vassal marker in situ, at captured locations. At the end of the year the Prestige of the gods is compared, harvests are gathered and the new year declared.
Each square has a campaign event and the turn represents a year. Each city's god moves in turn along the track in its set direction, only continuing if the Senet board allows. Re for example campaigns Westward against the Libyans, but can only continue to a second dice roll if it lands on a square that allows that.
Square one represents a poor march. There are problems and the omens must be tested to proceed. The god’s move could end there. If it gets to square 6 it faces a skirmish against raiders, a Chariot Rampant level of game. Large battles await our heroes further down the board. Square 6 also allows the establishment of an Egyptian border fort that means the army can stage another move, a dice roll to go further down the ten remaining squares on the Senet track, or end the turn and begin next year's campaign from the fort.
Re, god of Helios, campaigns Westward into Libya, Ptah, god of Memphis, campaigns Eastward into Syria. Amun, god of Thebes, campaigns south into Nubia. This is roughly how the New Kingdom operated strategically, although the Pharaoh can lead one of his armies in person, spending Treasury points, to focus on attacking one area, and bypass some of the Senet square restrictions. Similarly any non Egyptian army that wins three consecutive battles may declare a Great King, and add d6 x 100 shekels to their treasury. The Great King will then operate as a Pharaoh but from their end of the Senet track. It will be possible to subdue tribes, and make cities vassals so that movement through that part of the board has less restrictions.
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My Senet Campaign Map... it's a work in progress! |
Technically it should be possible to conquer the board, but the Tribes and cities outside Egypt also have gods that move on the Senet board, and it is equally possible that they could conquer two cities in Egypt and set up a foreign dynasty to win the game. Foreign dynasties of course become Egyptian almost immediately and the Nile still flows.
12. The waters of chaos. The campaign bogs down. The army returns to its base.
Finally note to self. Dux Bellorum variant?
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