Tuesday 8 November 2022

Proudpole takes a pounding at the rear

 Or "Admiral Plumpton loses a fleet"

The Napoleonic era British Navy.  The date is uncertain, but we are at war with the French, Spanish and Dutch.  

Sir James Proudpole, Captain of the 38 gun Frigate HMS Basically has been assigned to the fleet of Admiral of the Blue, the Earl of Pumpton.  The flagship, HMS Dreadfull a floating monster of 100 guns heads the line.  Sir James is assigned the end of the line.

The British fleet has the weather gauge. 

I'm naively confident that the Earl can win this.

The French turn away, but it does allow them to align the guns and fire.

It's not crossing the T but the French move has set up an effective kill zone.

Proudpole and HMS Basically leaves the line and engages a French frigate.  

But the French gunners are really effective.  And disaster occurs.  The Earl has signalled Proudpole to get back in line, but a critical hit explodes Dreadfull's magazine

Proudpole does get back in line, but the fleet has been mangled.

The British 74 now leading is sinking.

And Basically takes a pounding at the end ofvthe line, now the focus for the French gunnery.  🔥 

The Royal Navy turn away, as close to the wind as possible.  We lose another 74.
Proudpole has escaped and will return in ...

"Proudpole's Fleet Action" or "What the Coxswain  saw."
God Save King George!

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