Tuesday 19 September 2023

Cry Havoc - the Peasants Revolt!

Cry Havoc's Scenario two is a big beast.  I'll be using Lion Rampant 2 and every peasant I have, as well as every mounted medieval figure.

So Big Mouth Giles has stirred the peasants up and The Earl has decided to quash this before it gets out of hand.  Giles has recruited a routier band and a group of hooded outlaws to his side.

The sides

Revolting peasants

12 Routier (party one)
12 Peasants spear (party two)
12 Peasants with improvised weapons
12 Peasant outlaw bowmen (party three)
6 bidowers with bows

The Earl
3 x 6 Mounted Knights
3 x 6 Mounted Sergeants

The Game

Table one, the Crossroads.  The peasant army comes on racing for the road junction

And that is a lot of enemy Cavalry

The Earl brings his massive force forwards.

But my archers twice refuse to move.  It's not looking good.  The bidowers get a shot in from behind a hedge.

A bit of controversy as the Earl cheats.  He dismounted to assault the bidowers.  Not allowed to do that mid game in LR2, but I only realised it later.

My archers get a kill but that's a lot of metal bearing down on them.

I get a unit of spear off into table two.

And the knights carve up those archers in a wild charge.
With this as my rear guard the peasants get their units clear onto the village table.

Table Two
The Village

The peasants have a strong position behind walls and fences, but The Earl has dismounted his elite cavalry.  

And the Knights close in whilst the remaining heavy cavalry sweep around the village.

And it's a proper carve up.  Not even strong dice can save the peasants

The Earl delivers three hammer blows clearing the barricades.

And the final nail is hammered home.  The peasants break.

I tracked the surviving peasants and realised that Big Mouth Giles had escaped, one of the few to do so. Looks like the revolt is broken and I can move on to the next Cry Havoc scenario, city siege.

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