Saturday 13 January 2024

Blood and Crowns: the battle in the bay

The County of Pigourdy

The Count of Phoque was killed fighting the English King in Flanders in the Spring of 1340.  The closest heir in line of succession was his cousin Phallus de Farandole, an English Knight, and friend of King Edward III.  The French have promoted the cause of Amal Sieur de Phoque, a Knight who had hurriedly and scandalously married the widowed Countess. 

Within the County the French King`s appointee has been grudgingly accepted by all but the Abbot of St. Dongé, who thouroughly disliked  the new Count.  Rumour has it that the Widowed Countess had entered a nunnery before being abducted by the Sieur de Phoqué.
The English Knight is of course furious.  Without seeking King Edward's permission De Farandole has gathered a few ships and made haste from his stronghold in north Durham for the coast of Pigourdy. 
The English have no horses, and limited supplies.

My campaign rules

Several nodes are marked on my campaign map.  These are followed in a linear manner and a scenario is diced as the node is reached.  The scenario will assist in creating a narrative for the game, essentially a back story.  

The implications of this are that the side I don't play becomes randomised, and this is built into the narrative.

Success in the campaign is quantified by honour points accumulated as well as the capture or killing of the enemy's principal character.

The English
249 points
Knight Banneret Phallus de Farandole, of Durham
Retinue 6 Men-at-Arms, Afoot @42 plus Musician @3
Main Battle
6 Archers, English @60 plus Vintenar@5
6 Archers, English @60
4 Spearmen @16
4 Spearmen @16
6 Men-at-Arms, Afoot @42 plus Banneret @5 Quincy de Lumley

English Army in France 
Crecy to Poitiers, 1345-56 
 main battle 
Archers, English | Footmen  (Spearmen*) 
Men-at-Arms, Afoot | Footmen  (Gascons) | Veteran Footmen (Gascons) | Welsh Archers 
Veteran Men-at-Arms, Afoot |  Veteran Men-at-Arms, Mounted |  Men-at-Arms, Mounted | Veteran  English Archers 
Special Rules Chevauchée: This Company may choose to add  +2 to their roll when determining the attacker in  a scenario.
*Spearmen may not take the Polearms upgrade.

The French
250 points
Amal, Sieur de Phoque
Knight Banneret, 6 Veteran Men at arms, Mounted @72
Banner "Phoque Rien" @7
Musician @3
Main Battle
6 Men-at-Arms, mounted @72
6 Crossbowmen, Genoese @54
6 Men-at-Arms, Afoot @42

French Army 
Crecy to Poitiers, 1345-56 
main battle 
Men-at-Arms, Mounted | Crossbowmen, Genoese* | Crossbowmen, Light | Feudal Levy 
Men-at-Arms, Afoot | Esquires  | Footmen | Veteran Men-atArms, Mounted 
Veteran Men-at-Arms, Afoot Special Rules *Genoese Crossbowmen have the Mercenaries  special rule.

The Campaign Game begins

The Descent on Cadzon

Game One, the descent on Cadzon.  I based this loosely on Sir Walter Manny's attack on Cadzand.

The Campaign map


From the Chronicles of the Abbot of St. Dongé

Rounding the Isle of Cadzon the Lord Farandolé saw a laden French Merchant ship in the roads of the Baie of Turdes. The Sieur de Phoque's banner was flying over the castle on the Island.  The English decided to strike a blow at the French.

Mini Campaign: The Baie of Turdes

The balinger Proud Mary leads the English attack. Sir Phallus is Aboard with his retinue, a group of Mariners,and a group of Longbowmen.  

Proud Mary opens with warbow shooting.

The French Roundship Edith de Piaf has Genoese Crossbowmen and Men at Arms Aboard.  The shooting is even.

A second English Balinger appears, the Franklin of Aretha.  This has a similar crew.  The English are lucky with the wind as they run into the bay to attack the Frenchman.

A distance shot as the Sieur de Phoque's Mounted Men at Arms Retinue appear ashore.  They Gallop parallel to the balingers' course.

The English archers target them, killing two!

Damned dangerous fellows these bowmen.

Proud Mary begins her turn and the bows target the French crew.

The forecastle is Shaken and routed in one volley.

But it's the Franklin of Aretha that grapples and her men at arms fight their way Aboard.  a clearing the decks honour point is won.

Notice however that at this point the sneaky Genoese Crossbowmen deploy pavieses, even though they are in a hard cover stern castle.  Dodgy dealings I think, but at this point they are duelling with Proud Mary's longbowmen and coming off worse because of the slow Reload.

Piaf's Men at Arms fail against the attack that boards from the Mary. Poor performance!

The Farandole retinue storm the stern castle routing the Genoese overboard.

The endgame as the Roundship is taken.  The retinue of Phoque is ashore and makes off to shelter in the castle.

An undignified retreat for the French!

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