Friday 19 July 2024

Flashing swordplay

 After an afternoon run through I reworked the Flashing Blade swordplay rules.

Civilians        0 dice

Bravos           1 dice/cards

Rakes             2 dice/cards

Swordsmen  3 dice/cards

Blades            4 dice/cards

Legends         5 dice/cards

Cards            Speed

Step back           1
Step Right          1
Step Left            1
Follow through    1
Use the scenery    1
Lunge                     1
Slash                       1
Parry                      1
Fencing School move  1
Parry and Riposte 2
Mighty Blow          2

Swordsmen and above
Knights move right  1  (Swordsmen+ only)
Knights move left     1  (Swordsmen+ only)
Carte, over arm strike    1
Circular Parry             1
Giving the point          1
There, high guard Parry  1
Feint left and thrust          2
Passage soto, duck and thrust up   2
Cover and slow Riposte lunge 2
Beat and slash            2
Volt leap and lunge    2

School of Fencing

Italian, "Pronti" jump forwards and lunge,  Bolognese school.  1

English, "fendente" A mighty blow using the edge, head to the knee.  Dardi school  1

French, des Academies du Roi, "balestre". The crossbow, a sideways jump to change the rhythm followed by a cut with the edge.  1

German school, "The cross ". A powerful, diagonally descending blow  1

Self taught, the Micah Clarke option, slash and kick him backwards.  1

Spanish school, the Don Juan a parry and slash to the face.  1

To Hit
Thrust 4-6 in line
Cut  5-6  in 3 squares to front
Mighty blow 3-6.  Direct line.

Damage roll
1   Pinked
2   The cheek
3   Arm = weapon dropped
4   Leg = pinned
5   Head = eyes.  Falls.
6   Chest, skewered through the chitterlings.  Falls.

Alfonse and Ricardo face off with a measure distance between. 

Alfonse steps left Ricardo lunges missing, Alfonso delivers a mighty blow, a slashing cut that misses.

Alfonse delivers his Italian school step and lunge, but Ricardo steps right, out of line.

A second turn.  Ricardo moves to contact over the measure.

A parry and Riposte lunge.  The dice result of 2 is a miss.  A lunge hits on 4-6 
Alfonse slashes, but also misses.

Ricardo steps left, taking Alfonse's lunge out of line.  A cut or slash would still score but only hits on 5 or 6.

Steps for both Swordsmen.

And again Ricardo steps taking the lunge out of line.  The lunge is powerful but a Nimble opponent can avoid it.

Ricardo uses an Italian school pronti, a fast step and lunge.  The 2 on a d6 misses.  Ricardo's counter is a mighty cut, slower but more guaranteed to hit.

And the mighty cut hits on 5 or 6.  That's a good touch.  

And the cut catches Alphonse across the head.  He loses an eye.  Wounded and weakened he calls for quarter.

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