Monday 9 September 2024

Naval blood and Crowns week 4

Week 4

A landing.  Jack Crowe attempts to sack a French Church and Holy shrine on the Isle Bergerac.  Objectives are Rich visitors to the shrine  (decided on a dice roll 1-10) and church silver plate.

There is a chance that the Sieur Jean de Bergerac and his men at arms are attending the church and shrine for the Epiphany of St Quentin, a notable religious day in the local calendar.  The causeway to the mainland is open.


And it's a race.

Seize objective Markers: Placed on elements of terrain such as buildings, a pile of goods, or a terrain feature to designate it as an objective. 

Deployment: Defender chooses the first deployment zone, and the attacker chooses the second deployment zone. Starting with the Defender players alternate placing units in their deployment zones until all units have been deployed. After units are deployed, starting with the Attacker, players alternate placing objectives in the Objective Area until all objectives are deployed. 

Additional feats of Arms: Starting on Turn 6 during the End Phase, players gain +1 Renown for each objective that has been captured. Objectives are captured by a unit if they are not Shaken or Engaged, are within 1” of the marker, AND there are no enemy units within 1” of the objective.

The Game 

The Men of Romney out for loot

I creep inshore with the ship, but race the cockboats in.

Frenchmen on the causeway

Hostages and church silver!

Six archers in the forecastle shoot really well onto the causeway.  The ship anchors.

Genoese crossbows lose men

My spearmen ashore 

The anchor holds
First capture, a 10 point Abbot!

The six forecastle guys hit again.

Sir Jean de Bergerac rushes to the Abbots assistance.  The English now have more archers ashore on a tiny islet.  They hit hard too.
Abysmal saves.  Sir Jean spends a fortune and rolls worse.  Shaken!

With two dead Sir Jean looks vulnerable.

And the English get an event, an additional favour!

Which they spend as Crowe and his spears charge the men at arms.  The second roll is excellent.
We wipe out the retinue and the Sieur Jean is taken as a Prize.
The Genoese top that small hill

But they are mauled.

The English spears laugh off their shooting.

And the French spears push through the nettles that cover Bergerac island.

Crowe uses his command points to order the archers fire.  The Genoese are hit again.

In fact, tine to run away
A noble woman and a merchat captured.  Good ransoms.

Meanwhile the forecastle archers are devastating.
The French light Crossbows  are Shaken and routed.
The French spears burst from the nettles.  They only had one action  Crowe responds with a Command Point to his archers to Shoot.
Three down.

Crowe goes in hand to hand.  Won't lie, i spend another fortune point to reroll.
Six hits.  

Almost wiped out but Six fatigues does it.  A major victor for Crowe.

Six Hostages, a nice set of gold armour and some church silver.  A nice haul.

We burn the church for good measure.

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