Saturday 3 November 2018

Frostgrave: The Return of Chancellor Blaire

The Unseen University has been investigating the ruins of the great city known as "Frostgrave" for the last year, discovering great artifacts of "magic."  Global warming, probably caused by the Unseen University's use of fossil fuels in its research, has seen the lost city slowly emerge from its thousand year icy tomb.  More importantly the ruins have begun to give up their secrets and treasure. 

Actually my game is not quite like that.  There is no "magic."  The Wizards of the Unseen University use technology that may appear magical to a medieval mindset, but is actually simply technology.  For example, the Wizard Cameronius wears a pair of "boots of speed," but these are actually pink roller skates circa 1970.  Frostgrave is a modern city that has been found by a medieval world, specifically "wizards" from the Unseen University, who are essentially the teaching staff and their assistants.

The only Wizard to ever retire from my game intact  (alive) was the Evil Lord Blaire, who discovered a "tablet of all knowledge," giving him access to the wisdom of the Imp "Sirry."   Blaire swiftly returned home to become Lord Chancellor of the Unseen University.   Among the Wizards only Lord Blaire understands that all of this magic is technology, but he isn't about to tell his fellow wizards that!

The other wizards compete in a search for ever more elaborate magical artifacts.   Lord Blaire's rival, the Brown wizard, "Gordo" to his few friends, was badly injured by magic fireball, thrown by Cruella the May Witch. (a hand grenade, but don't tell Gordo that)  The Brown wizard and his apprentice "Darling" have discovered the "Orange ball of space hopping" and hope to reveal it's power to hop between spaces, but it never seems to activate any real magic.  Now there is a proper scratch build project!

I haven't played Frostgrave for a while so I decided on a comeback for Lord Blaire.  The Evil Chancellor has used his Imp "Sirry" to trace the presence of a "Book of Air" in the frozen city, and has decided that it's important to recover it.  
With the aid of Elder Millibandus, a respected Wizard who left the University years ago, and a band of trained guards, the Chancellor has decided to seek out the "Great Mall."  His only clue is that he must discover "the store of the apples."

Unknown to the Chancellor rivals have gathered and followed, from both the right and left wings of the Unseen University.  The May Witch and her apprentice Hammondius, are on Lord Blaire's trail, as is the Wizard Corbinus and his apprentice "The Mcdonald." 

The May Witch specialises in fireball magic, whilst Corbinus has a wand of magic missiles he calls "The Mandate" which takes ten round magazines.

Straggling along some way behind these more successful Wizards is Old Cables.  Since the Apprentice poor Cleggy killed off the Wizard Farondius, by accident, old Cables has taken the idiot boy on as his apprentice.  

Cleggy had recovered the Great spellbook of Winstonius Churcillius in the last game, and having now carefully read it, realised that it's a tome about a "Duke of Marlborough," and not a great book of spells at all.  He is now however well versed in the subtleties of early 17th century politics and generalship. 

The denizens of Frostgrave are not the "Monsters" of the original rules.  The Whispering Statues that come to life are animatronics.  The strange and often giant creatures are escapees from the Frostgrave Zoo.  The race of "Orcs" are a genetic experiment that joined Pig and Human DNA.  "Ghosts" are frequently 3D projections.  In general the greatest danger to the Wizards is other Wizards, and their own curiosity.

Lord Blaire has speculated that the entire Frozen City is part of some strange "Reality" game-show being run with his University staff as unaware contestants.  In many ways he is right!

Lord Blaire's Notes on the List of Magical Items discovered so far...

Fireball = Hand Grenade
Cloak of Darkness = Smoke grenade
Wall of Shock =  Thunderflash
Wand of magic missiles = pistol
Staff of magic missiles = musket
Wand of Lightning = Taser
Rain of fire = Jar of Napalm
Cloak of protection = Kevlar
Rain of acid = Potion of Sulphuric Acid
Spell of sleeping = Vial of Sleeping Gas
Spell of Laughter = Vial of Nitrous Oxide
Spell of death = Vial of Nerve Gas
Tube of far seeing = Telescope
Boots of speed = Roller skates
Shoes of Infinite Comfort = Slippers
Web of Universal stickiness = Gaffer tape
Armour of Invulnerability = Kevlar jacket
Oil of extreme slipperiness - WD40
Potion of Speed = the Drug Speed
Potion of Invulnerability = C/Meth
Insect swarm = a glass fishbowl filled with bugs
Elixir of drunkenness = Bottle of Whiskey
Staff of Mighty Smiting = Iron capped Oaken staff
Staff of Water Protection = An Umbrella
Staff of Lightning = A large ranged taser
Goggles of the Night = Night sight

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