Friday 29 March 2019

The River Chase.

The River Chase

Scenario B of Rebels and Patriots is tailor made to fit the French Indian War, a raft chase down river.  First off making the rafts, not the most difficult of modelling tasks I've ever done.  Some chopped up barbecue skewers, with cross sections to hold them together, and a coat of stain to weather them.  Add to that some  green stuff modeled baggage as the vital supplies.

Each raft has a small unit crew of six.  Mounted on 12mm washers my skirmishers are single based, so it's these guys holding the rafts.  The British rolled to be Defenders (on the rafts trying to get supplies through to Fort Rupert)
The French are the attackers, so I went with two big groups of Indians, and some French Canadian woodsmen.

French Officer
Regt de Lorraine, Lieutenant Etienne de Grande-Boules, The Fighting Peacock
Trait. Peacock, Nomme de Guerre
Honour 27 Pointd

Native War Party – fighting for the French
1 Skirmishers that are Sharpshooters @ 6 points (Coureur des Bois)
3 Large unit Aggressive Natives @ 6 points each (Huron tribe)

British Officer Commanding the Reinforcements.
2nd Lt the Hon, Richard Barfe-Chunks.
Trait: Wheezy
0 Hon Points
Ensign Vivian Swift-Cummings (Cad)
Ensign Roger Ewes (the favourite nephew)
1 Group Regular Light Infantry 20th Foot @6
3 groups of Regular Line 20th Foot @4

Raft crews: 1 group Rangers @6
2 small groups of Colonist Militia @3

Commanding the rafts some secondary characters...
Captain Roger Ramjet, Ramjet's Rangers.
(Resourceful and scarred)
Lieutenant Quincy Adams Wagstaff, Militia. (The Quarter-Master's Brother)
Ensign Lance Crossfire, Militia. (Heroic)

Under the guns of Fort Cumberland the rafts prepare to set out

The Huron Warbands come on, counting as Large (18 figures) and Aggressive.
An immediate crash as the Rangers ram the Militia raft under random movement.  Roger Ramjet lives up to his name!

More Huron come on table as the canoes paddle up-river
I made the two large canoes using the (much) larger Pendraken figures.  The Irregular miniatures are smaller but perhaps better formed..
2nd Lt the Hon, Richard Barfe-Chunks leads a group of the 20th on table.  He has to dice to get the points for reinforcements (a 4  was needed for these guys)
The rafts zigzag in and out of the central current.  Ramjet takes the lead...
Ensign Vivian Swift-Cummings leads his group on table. 

French woodsmen get into the river but the rafts (fortuitously) hog the South bank.
When facing Native Americans... Form Close Order! 

Captain Ramjet fights the natives off as they attempt to swarm his raft.
Ensign Swift-Cummings gives them a taste of British spunk with a lively volley
Lieuteamt Barfe-Chunks also delivers a volley killing two woodsmen
The second rangers raft is swarmed as Ramjet escapes down river
The 20th Foot attempt to assist the rafts
The Huron capture a raft, swarming aboard and killing the crew.

The two remaining rafts escape - although Militia Lieutenant Quincy Adams Wagstaff almost piles his into a rock on the last turn...
Honour Points
Barfe-Chunks   7 points
Etienne de Grande-Boules 5 points

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