Wednesday 28 October 2020

The Return to Purgatory, Texas.

The Table E gang returned to Purgatory yesterday.  Some of us took the role of Bold Outlaws, some as steadfast defenders of Law and Order, and one as a crazed Marshal who charged his horse all over town shooting people in the back! 

This is a picture heavy report.

Welcome to Purgatory

The Bank, Moses and Miss Eliza

Colonel Whitmore, the Captain and Tennille, Texas Rangers.  
Love will keep them together, apparently.

Curley, Shakey and Kid Clark enter behind the Saloon

The Marshal spurs up his big horse and begins a furious gallop around town.

Doc and the boys appear at the end of main street, wearing facemasks.
Cakey and the boys come on behind the church

It's all about to kick off

The Colonel advances down main street.

Djambo watches from the boardwalk and gives advice

The Marshal gallops past the Colonel.  Should a man as fat as that be riding at breakneck speed in a built up area?

Doc asks for a distance.  I send variations of this three times before he realises that a rattlesnake is lurking among the rocks

And that is a fine Milliput model of some sort of snake.

The Law lines up on Main street waiting for the  bad guys to act.

And speaking of bad guys, Curley peeps around the corner.  What's in the bucket?

Dopey and Doc get among the rocks together.  Not even Dopey goes near that rattler.

Curley and his boys snuggle up.  Standing under a ladder?  Is that Dramatic Irony?
Finally "Fast" Mike and his lads appear, behind the bath house.

The Colonel hides behind Pedro's ass.  He doesn't shoot at the unarmed bystander just because the chap is wearing a sombrero.

Doc's gang try to bust into the bank.

The Marshal comes hammering down the street

Curley calmly wanders across the street to join the bank job, ignoring a huge US Marshal bearing down on him at high speed

"What's up Doc?"
"Piss off Curley"

Grumpy Bill confronts Moses and Miss Eliza in the bank.  "Stick 'em up!"  Is that boy blind?

Miss Eliza gets a new figure, pointing a derringer.  Bill is literally taken aback!  He grapples with her.

Kick to the 'nads and Bill is thrown out of the bank in some distress.  Things are not going his way!

But Dopey spots a second door, probably because he saw Moses fleeing for his life from here.

Dopey charges at Miss Eliza, who has all of her weapons on display

He floors the lady.  Not a Western Gentleman!

Moses witnesses this but the dice roll of 1 means he keeps running away.  Very wise.

Curley and Kid Clark watch the unprofessional "Bank job" in disbelief. 

Finally Mike and the boys move.

Mike lurks around the town lavatory and peeps around the corner at the town drunk sleeping one off.  What is that smell?


Unhappy with his position Fast Mike goes to the other corner of the alley and comes face to face with the wrinkled sausage of the pervert town barber.  "Something for the Weekend Sir?"

Dapper Dan realises that the bath house is occupied

Miss Belle appears and begins kicking a mule hitched outside the Saloon.  Psychotic that woman!

Frog Eye and Dan empty their six guns into the bath house.

The big Mexican is killed.  400 pounds of Bandido.  Now how do we claim that $300 bounty without moving the body?

The Texas Rangers Captain moves around the livery with his Henry Rifle for company.  He remains within 12" of the Colonel however

Things are heating up on main street

Kid Cakey and his gang rob the poor box in the church, a Perry ACW house.

The Rattlesnake takes up position at the side door of the bank

And Big Heap comes out of the saloon.  Large fellow for a `Pache.

Doc enters the bank and clocks the safe.  
Hannibal Heyes of course would know the formula for creating a vacuum in the safe, using red putty, bellows and nitroglycerin.  Doc Hannibal Parker just lights a stick of dynamite and legs it.  What could go wrong!

Mike opens up with his rifle and puts a round near Kid Clark, pinning him.

The Marshal fires and misses.  Little wonder at that speed.

Curley and Shakey are overtaken by events as the law bears down on them.

Dopey skips out of the rear door of the bank.

Mike's boys appear in the street and begin firing at the outlaws.  The Marshal deputises them as he gallops past.

The Captain, Texas Rangers, sneaks around the corner to be confronted with Cakey and his pals apparently peeing against the rear wall of the Church.  "Err, don`t mind us, we're actually inside..."

The Marshal flies down the street, twists in the saddle and puts a round into Shakey's back.
I was having tremendous fun as the Marshal! 

Doc and Dopey hunker down to await the explosion.

Miss Belle moves to attack the Outlaws causing a ruckus outside her Saloon but... "Why I deeclar' its Curley. Howdy sugar pie."  Curley had a +1 to his favourability with Belle, but it didn't matter.  She rolls a 6 and falls in love.

The Marshal takes his entire turn to swing the horse around and begin the journey back up mainstreet.

Doc pins the captain,

And the Cakey gang emerge form the church.  He used "I`m comin' out" three times in a row...  Wanted the world to know!

The Captain ducks behind the corner and recovers from the pin.

Little Heap appears, looking for his dad.  A huge shotgun, but he's out of the action

Kid Cakey begins a long duel with the Colonel, using the picket fence as cover!

The Colonel hides behind the mule, shooting over it, whilst his men take the brunt of the enemy fire.

With the Special effects narrated "its a big bang" the dynamite blows the safe.

Shakey is hit by Fast Mike, again, and he attracts the unwanted attentions of the town stray dawg

The customary cake interlude.  Love this bit.

The Colonel returns fire

Shakey falls to the ground shot through the heart.  The dog gets frisky.

Meanwhile the Captain sneaks up on the Cakey gang and fires his rifle point blank.

He wounds his man but Kid Cakey has a sugar rush and shoots him down.  Pin and wound.

Sergeant Tennille of the Texas Rangers takes to the livery stable 

The Cakey gang hole up and give as good as they get,

Across the street Dapper Dan is down, but unruffled.

But the Cakey gang are now surrounded.  The Marshal rides up to Winter and shoots him... in the back!

Big Heap runs for it, as he sobers up.  Curley decides its time to get into the saloon

Curley runs inside the saloon.  He will live to fight again.
But he is joined by Saloon owner Miss Belle.  Hope he treats her like a Lady!

Dopey snatches $82 from the bank.  He runs for it.

Fast Mike redeploys his men to counter the Cakey gang

Frog Eye calmly walks towards the Cakey gang, tequila bottle and sixgun in hand.

But Frog Eye is pinned mid street

Doc joins Dopey.  He grabbed $461 dollars in the bank.  Doc's gang win.  "Poor Grumpy had brothers" he tells us.

With Winter dead, both down and surrounded, and the Marshal now behind them the Cakey gang surrender.

"You'll get a fair trial in Judge Parker's Court" the Marshal informs them.

And the sun goes down in Purgatory, with fast Mike and his boys enjoying $500 in bounties, the Rangers and the Marshal having done their duty and Curley enjoying his glamorous outlaw reputation. 

And it was one hell of a great day in Purgatory for the Marshal.  I thoroughly enjoyed the game.

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