Monday 23 August 2021

GDA and the battle of Lardeville

Red vs Blue General d'Armee

Major General Sydney Carton vs General de division Charles Carnay,

Both C-in-Cs rolled 2D6 for their respective ability.   Carton is a Blusterer, losing one of his ADCs, but Carnay is a Campaigner, meaning he is an experienced officer and receives the one ADC per brigade to represent his command ability, giving him a potential four ADCs per turn.


Cavalry Brigade

1st Infantry Brigade

2nd Infantry Brigade


Cavalry Brigade

1st Infantry Brigade

2nd Infantry Brigade

3rd Infantry Brigade

Lardeville, scene of the fighting today
The British deployment

And that looks like a lot of Frenchmen
Brigadier Command radius is 30cm
My units are pretty much all standard size at 4 bases
they are also all Line, but I make the 95th Rifles Elite.

Committed or Reserve.
I reserve a French Brigade of two battalions and the British cavalry brigade.

My third British brigadier is a bit of a character.  Repeatedly hesitant, 

The game turn

Command and Initiative

Beginning with dicing for ADC availability.  d6.  A 3-6 means they are available this turn.
Initiative.  2d6 off between the two sides, minus 1 for each Hestitant brigade.
Brigade command rolls

ADC taskings
brigade attachment
Infantry assault
Artillery assault fire (2)
Forwards (2)
Commit reserve
Divisional morale

The French come on

The French cavalry brigadier passes their skirmish line 

The British commit their own reserve Cavalry

And the French get a battery into operation

The cavalry battle.  The British fail dismally.  Not only do they fall back demoralised, the dice difference is such that they rout exposing the flank. 

The French pull back the cavalry brigade to redeploy.  I start to realise that its going to come down to the 95th in the farm in the left flank

The French screen the advance with an effective skirmish line.

The assault column goes in against the 95th 

And its a hard fight.  The 95th hang on but have taken 50% casualties

With the 95th engaged in a melee the French move up the cavalry to flank the British position.

The main lines close and the skirmish screens are being whittled down.

The French cavalry is now a threat.  Time for squares.

Even my third brigadier is engaged as an ADC passes him assault orders

Fighting in the centre

But the British squares are under attack from French Infantry

A second assault goes in against the farm buildings.  The 95th throw the enemy back.

But there comes a point where I have to acknowledge that the day has gone to the French. In the middle of the fighting Brigadier three goes Hesitant again.

With 3rd 
 Brigade retiring after failing its command roll my right flank is gone.  Game over. 

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