Monday 6 June 2022

The Britons

There seems to be a shortage of barbarians on Table E if last weeks game is anything to go by.  Since I was going to build a Briton core force for use against my Caesarian Romans in Cyprus, I'm now planning to push that forward and get a force ready to face my Early Imperials here in Durham.  They will also be able to pose as Gallic fashion influenced Germans for our Germania games.

I'm going for the basic Southern Briton Infantry warband force.  It has a few Cavalry and slingers to give variety, but basically I'll only need a box of Warlord Celtic Warriors (40 men but only 20 shields for some weird reason) and a few ebay sprues to add on.

A box of Warlord Celtic Warriors, 40 figures (20 shields but I have lots of spares) courtesy of the North East Model centre, gives me the two groups of Warriors and the levy.  It also provides eight armoured figures.

In an eBay purchase I added three stories of Victrix armoured Gallic warriors, twelve figures, who when added to the other armoured eight, will provide the two groups of Noble Warriors.

Back in Cyprus I have two groups of Gallic Cavalry, but they are armoured nobles, so I may go for Warlord cavalry but I'm leaving that decision until these foot are painted.  Given of course that our campaign Game is set in Germania these Britons will pretend to be hairy Germans

For add on options I will throw in some chariots to mount the nobles, at three points this seems a good deal.  I'm also considering a small group of fanatics lead by a level one nut job, just to distract, and possibly a dyke, although twelve points seems steep.

A work in progress then.

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