Friday 4 February 2022

The Flashing Blade's tryst

Our Seventeenth Century hero, the overrated Flasqué du Bladé, has arranged an assignation with the Countess di Campo at the Inn of the Queen's Head just outside Paris.  As a Savoyard noble the Bladé is considered bourgeoisie by all true Frenchmen but Madam La Comtesse admires his reputation for having an ever ready weapon.

Alas as ever, the plot has complications.  The Spanish Ambassador and a Papal Nuncio (the ever so sweaty Bishop Poncé) are meeting here, something to do with plotting to assassinate that idiot Good King Louis.

Turns out the Bishop is a member of the Spanish Inquisition and nobody ever expects that!

Worse, the Ambassador is guarded by Captain Vigo Alatriste, infamous killer of Orcs and Frenchmen.  Can the Bladé get his leg over the Countess' balcony?  Will Vigo run him through, again?  Will the Papal Noncio be unfrocked?


The Bladé reaches the door of the Queens Head.  Our hero is balding and older, but no wiser.

The Landlord gives them a greeting of muted enthusiasm.  He has met the Bladé before it seems.

An assassin in the toilets!  
The Bladé dispatches the fellow, and leaves the body in stall two.

Walking cockily into the common room the Bladé realises that the Spanish Ambassador has recognised him.  The price of fame!

As ever, Lurkio, the Bladé's faithful manservant save's the day, firing off his LaMatt short barrel punt gun.  The scatter load brings down two Spanish musket men.  It also produces a lot of smoke.

And Lurkio charges out to stick his dagger in another Spaniard.  Three down.

But the Bladé has his hands full as Vigo moves in and runs him through.  A flesh wound I say!

Our bold hero flees.  Where Vigo is concerned it's a wise move.  A coach has fortuitously appeared at the door as La Comptesse arrives.

" Have at thee Varlet! ". The Bladé slices the innocent Coachman's breeches, and makes off with the coach and Countess.  

Seems a little harsh on that poor guy.

Vigo gives Chase on foot as the Countess serves a cheeky Anjou Rosé, the wine of choice for a chase.

But back at the Inn the Ambassador plots and shares his infamous little chocolate balls.

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