Sunday 8 March 2020

Point 110 Rauray 1944 "Mopping Up"

Game Two
Point 110 Rauray 1944 "Mopping Up"

The SS are defending Rauray with the remains of their platoon from Game 1.  They have three LMG groups, two NCOs and a single Senior leader left.  They also have the Mortar battery forward obs.

11DLI have allocated the same platoon to Mop up the rest of the village, but this is a Company level attack and a second platoon is now staging in the area of table 1.  This is a close terrain table and things are about to get nasty...

1DLI British Platoon

Platoon HQ
Lieutenant, Senior Leader armed with pistol 
Platoon Sergeant, Senior Leader, armed with 
PIAT Team, 2 men 
2" mortar Team, 2 men 
Corporal, Junior Leader armed with Sten 
BREN TEAM  Bren LMG Three crew 
RIFLE TEAM Six riflemen

III/26 PzGren 12SS

Oberscharführer, Senior Leader with Machine 

Scharführer, Junior Leader armed with machine pistol. 

3 teams
LMG TEAM MG42 Three crew 
LMG TEAM MG42 Three crew 

The DLI get on table first.
Occupy the terrain!  It's a WRG 5th edition lesson
And by pushing the centre section forward into a walled enclosure I find that the DLI are enfiladed.
And the worst burst of Mg42 fire ever recorded...
The bren returns the fire and kills two, one shock
The barrage starts up as my Mortar battery obs guy hides his tiny kublewagen in the wood.

Fritz is left all alone guarding the jump off point.

The platoon mortar lays down smoke allowing the Sergenats team to assault.  The Germans are being whittled down.
But the remaining Mg42 team inflicts quite a few casualties (an entire section actually) before I decide that its probably game over anyway.  A win for the DLI but the Germans hit the platoon hard.
Table 3 will be "Advance on the hedge line."  It looks difficult.

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