Saturday 14 March 2020

Rauray Flanking Point 110

Table 4 flanks the Point 110 position.  This is the scene of a probing attack by both sides prior to 11DLI advancing on the key table 5.  This is a long battlefield with a lot of hedgerows.

11DLI British Platoon

Platoon HQ
Lieutenant, Senior Leader armed with pistol 
Platoon Sergeant, Senior Leader, armed with 
PIAT Team, 2 men 
2" mortar Team, 2 men 
Corporal, Junior Leader armed with Sten 
BREN TEAM  Bren LMG Three crew 
RIFLE TEAM Six riflemen

III/26 PzGren 12SS

Platoon HQ 
Oberscharführer, Senior Leader with Machine 
Three panzerfaust 30 
Scharführer, Junior Leader armed with machine pistol. 
LMG TEAM MG42 Three crew 
LMG TEAM MG42 Three crew 

2 x Panzer IV H Scharführer, Junior Leader
And that is a lot of hedgerows...

11DLI get a (blurry) section down from their advanced jump point.

12SS PzGren put a whole section down opposite.  That is a lot more firepower.

Another British section advance in the centre.

With two sections down the DLI are feeling good, waiting for the Germans to show.

But in my Campaign structure I have to roll for German reinforcements  The three fours is a clear answer: Kampfgruppe Von Quilpenhausen show up with two PzIV.  The Germans also deploy a section on Overwatch all in that central area.

The massacre begins.  Seven hits on the British section that advanced in the centre.

Having massacred on British section the Kampfegruppe advance on the central British Jump point. I get my DLI Officer and the Piat team down.

The DLI await the tanks.  Lets have some "Breaking the Panzers."

The 12SS advance a tank with the Infantry behind.  The MMG on the tank kills three with three shock.  The other tank then moves forward too.  These panzers are not being broken...

Another three casualties and I roll for the Officer.  Not good.  The Piat team gets a shot after that but misses

Pretty much game over.  Two sections lost with the Platoon Sergeant withdrawing.  I now face attacking Point 110 with the Germans controlling the flank.  Time for 11DLI to use its own reserve of Shermans in the attack.

The platoon Sergeant saves his boys

The Germans have two halftracks added to their base platoon from the remainder of von Quilpenhausen's men for Point 110 and table 5.  

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