Tuesday 1 March 2022

The Ottomans vs Austrians 1716 or so.

Loosely based on the battle of Peterwardien:


3 Cuirassier

1 Dragoons

1 Hussars

2 Grenadier

8 line Infantry


1 Kapikulu

3 Feudal Cavalry

3 Light Cavalry

1 Elite Jannisary

3 Jannisary

6 Provincial Foot Infantry

1 Heavy Artillery.

The lines are drawn

The Ottomans advance aggressively

And the Cuirassier easily better the Ottoman light horse.

And after a second charge its no longer a real fight.

Even my Austrian Hussars defeat their opposite Akinji enemy, putting an Ottoman General to flight.

Irregular Miniatures.  Pleased with these guys.

Austrian Dragoons Ambush the poorer Ottoman Infantry across the stream

And the Jannisaries give the Austrian line more trouble

In with the Grenadiers at march attack.

And the Ottoman Feudal Cavalry join the fight.

Only the Jannisares hold fast, but they are being pushed back

The end as the Austrian Cavalry push the Turkish centre.  A victory!

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