Friday 25 May 2018

Down in the Greenwood... Some Dragon Rampant

  I used Dragon Rampant for this game, broadly similar to Lion Rampant but I like the idea of unequal groups on different points values.  Strictly speaking of course this game is not really fantasy, but rather men in tights versus the nasty Sheriff of Much Ruttng...  A sort of Camp Rampant...

The Mincing Woods
Good Justice Shallow,

this be writ by the hand of Scratch, my infamous scribe.  I have tak`n the thousand pound you did loan me and raised up a right worthy company to support the Sheriff of Much Rutting. 

Some of the lads are old favourites of yours, Wart, whom you ordered flogged for stealing a fish from the nunnery millpond, Pym whom you ordered kicked up the arse for his part in taking the monies of various travellers without giving the Justice his rightful share, and Cam who had carnal knowledge of a swine to impress his friends.  In all fairness Justice you were as impressed as we were!

We are to march into the forest and clear the Mincing Woods east of Ball's Cross of its wolfs-heads and thieves.  My Company has struggled on the march.  The Ancient Pistol, mine Ensign, has become a man with shades of grey to his face.   The lads are not worthy warriors all, but rather the scum of Blackfriars.  Still I am armed by my Lollard faith and will give the Sheriff good service by cock and pie sir, or else run away as far as Much Rutting.
Writ by the hand of Thomas Scratch, Scribe for:
X   John Oldcastle, Knight

By cock and pie sir!

The Sherrif's Men
Squire FitzQuilp - the twisted Crookback, Sheriff Of Much Rutting.

Captain Oldcastle, Knight, Poins his bannerman, Peto, Fang and Scratch, well armed.
Wart's men    Big lads in rusty mail
Pym's men    Sundry louts with Crossbow
Pistol's men  Decrepit Spearmen
Cam's men    Peasants with sticks and wooden shovels

The Forest Outlaws
Hode the thief, bandit chief in tights.
The Mincing Men, Long John, Friar Suck, Scarlet Willy, Alan o' Dildo, Much the Milkman's son and Maid Marryme.
Bold Brian and his North Mincing bowmen
Sly Jeremy and his South Mincing bowmen

Scenario One: The Ancient Forest 
Both the Attacker and Defender must attempt to slay or rout their enemies to achieve victory.

The Attacker deploys along the North edge and the Defender deploys along the South edge.
Special Rules
The Ancient Forest.  Areas of rough terrain.  4" visibility.

Ending the Scenario
Keep playing until a turn begins with 4 or fewer units remaining in the game. When this happens, roll a dice at start of each turn… if the score is higher than number of units left on table, this is the final turn.

Victory Conditions
Both Attacker and Defender add up the points value of enemy units destroyed/routed before the game ended; damaged units still in play are not counted. The player with the higher score wins 5 Glory (+/– Quests). Players tied for first place gain 3 Glory each (+/– Quests).

The Outlaws show themselves at dawn... well the flash was on the camera apparently...

Robert Hode, Outlaw in tights

The Mincing Men

Scarlet Willy and Friar Suck are shot by the crossbows...

Despite their casualties the Sheriff's men close in on Hode and Sly Jeremy, who pretty much didn`t stand a chance.

The victorious Sheriff Fitz-Quilp, of Much Rutting up the Wold.  Note the golden mask hiding his acne...

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