Saturday 26 May 2018

Kingmaker Cyprus concludes...

Kingmaker Cyprus... the end game

In turn five:

Sir Gilbert  moved to Nicosia to challenge his nephew, the Crown prince or at least prevent him from being crowned before he can cut a deal.

Sir Gaston  and the new Sir Roland fought a "Bloodbath."  Gaston fled whilst Roland took control of Hilarion, his patrimony.  His mother is still married to Gaston... Awkward...

Sir Richard submitted to the Prince, swearing Fealty.  "Slippery Dick" has his ship the Mercenary Cog Salerio of Genoa ready at Larnaca to make his escape. 

Prince Guillaume now holds the cards to be crowned.  All that prevents him is the Royal Uncle, Gilbert outside the walls of Nicosia.  Sir Clugney has submitted to the Prince and joined him.  Sir Conrad was less obliging and lost his head...

It's the second time in the campaign that a battle occurs outside the walls of Nicosia.

Scenario E.  Hold on Tight

Both the Attacker and Defender have been tasked with securing a strategically important piece of  land...

The Prince and Clugney, Knights, Spears and crossbows, advance against the walls of Nicosia, and Gilbert's intervening forces.

The Prince sends his infantry forward.

Gilbert feints to the right with his knights.

Is that some sort of Magic user among Clugney's crossbowmen?  Accusations of witchcraft!  

Gilbert's attack against the prince falters.  A big game for me, I had to press all of my "Named" knights into service.

A confused melee.  It looked like a scene from the "Black Shield of Falworth."  Of course I would have better casting, Basil Rathbone would play Sir Gilbert in my movie!

Gilbert's Knights are seen off..

The Prince senses his moment and charges through the lines.  Its worked for him in the past...

Clugney is caught by the mounted Sergeants.  

The Prince breaks a spear unit..  Not Subtle this boy.  He would be played by Errol Flynn in my movie...

But Gilbert leads his dismounted Knights into the Prince.   Very much Basil Rathbone style tactics! 

Clugney is surrounded and killed

The Prince is the last figure of the mounted knights on the right.  He is also pulled down and killed.   Errol pushed his luck once too often.

Gilbert takes on the crossbowmen and breaks them too.  

Gilbert has a Bishop, and holds Nicosia.  He is crowned King during the next phase, and calls parliament.  Well done Basil Rathbone...

Roland attends and submits, since he is in a poor position.  Three of the other Knights are dead, waiting for their heirs to appear.  Slippery Dick (Sir Richard) takes ship for Acre, having betrayed just too many people in this game to survive King Gilbert's wrath.

I enjoyed Kingmaker Cyprus.  When I tackle it again I will keep Lion rampant instead of Cry Havoc (even though all of my figures are named for Cry Havoc)   I also intend to create a boardgame style map, with 15mm figures as counters... and scratch built ships.

I better start planning all of that now.  "The Return of Sir Richard" perhaps? 


  1. Splendiforous stuff. Have enjoyed these adventures very much although it did make me wince when Sir Clugney was caught by sergeants.

  2. Poor Clugney, pinned to the wall by his privates...
