Wednesday 9 May 2018

Laserburn 1980s style: Assault on Bunker 17

Back in the day, probably 1983 or so I sent off to Tabletop games for a Laserburn starter pack.  I admired the figures, still do actually, 15m sculpts.  The rules were by Brian Ansell, and pre Warhammer 40K. 

On moving to Cyprus I planned to game Quadrant 13, a Toofatlardies set, aimed at Company level, but I kept the same 15mm figures, 35 year veterans!

In a fit of nostalgia, and as a way of escaping painting those Napoleonics, I dug out the first scenario.  Actually I had sold almost all of my rules on eBay prior to moving, but I have copious notes in my wargames journals and it was an easy matter to pick it up again.  Of course, the fact that this game was from my notes rather than the actual scenario booklet probably means that it isn`t entirely accurate.

It`s the far future and the Insurgents of the Red Redemption are losing ground to the Imperium.  Bunker 17 controls a vital sector not least by use of its weapons turrets.  A Mercenary group, some assassins and a Redemptionist Lord, attempt to destroy the Bunker.  They have an Infiltrator in place who will open the doors. 

Mercenary Force Commander Jonas, Group Leader JJ and three mercenaries (Note the Dorsai ranks... I must have been reading Dickson!) two hired assassins, a technician and the infiltrated agent.

On the Imperial side we have the Security office with General Yates and Computer specialist Pattinson, with two of the Elite Black Guards.  In the barracks room is Security Chief Halliwell.  At the other end of the bunker is a technician, the computer and the nuclear destruction device.  There are Imperial troopers in each of the turrets.  

Pattinson, the traitor, keys the door sequence.  The General fails to notice.  He is probably distracted by the orange ping pong ball posing as a fusion reactor.

The mercenaries make it through the blast doors.

The Redemptionist takes out the first Guard.  A power axe?  Really?  Only in Laserburn.  D6 rather than percentage dice because I'm using the Imperial Commander Supplement.
A Second trooper fails to hit, but is mown down etc...
The General realises Pattinsion is a traitor

Pattinson is under arrest as the Redemptionist Lord breaks through the door.

A Melee breaks out, the two guards are killed.

Meanwhile the Mercenaries and their technician reprogram the sector computer and set the self destruct countdown

The mercenaries withdraw as a firefight with Halliwell's security breaks out.

The surviving assassin shoots down two of the mercenaries.  She is killed in the return fire.
An enjoyable game.  The three surviving mercenaries and Pattinson exited via the blast doors as the countdown dice reached one.  The remaining Imperials were killed in the blast.

Victory points.  I killed Yates, and indirectly Halliwell (2VP), I reprogrammed the computer (6 VP), I rescued Pattinson (2 VP), the bunker was destroyed (2 VP) and returned with more than three men (but one of these was Pattinson so I won`t claim the VP)  With 12 Victory Points and 24000 credits I am appointed to command a Mercenary Force. (Company)

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