Sunday 28 November 2021

Rebasing my Infamous 20mm Romans

A rebase of the 20mm Romans has been taking up my time here in Cyprus.  Its good that the basing dries out so quickly in the heat - even in November - but its a project that snuck up on me.  I doubled up on the bases making the Infamy unit of 8 figures into groups of 16.

The Romans were intended as an auxiliary force but I added a box of HaT Legionaries at the last minute.  The original intent was to field five groups of Auxiliaries and four Legionaries.  This has now become three and two respectively.

I'm leaving the cavalry and skirmishers at eight figure units, but increasing the size of their basing to look right.  The Early Imperial Roman army is much smaller as a result of this drive to get a better looking setup, but it's still powerful.

Legion Centurion and Optio

Two groups of Legionaries

Auxiliary Centurion and Optio

Three groups of Auxiliaries

One group of Auxiliary archers

One group of Auxiliary Cavalry

One group of slingers

One Legionary Scorpion bolt thrower.

When I turned to the Celts I had a slightly different problem.  The Italeri figures are excellent. I would rate them higher than even the few metal figures I have, but at 40 figures to a box I have only two groups.

Using bases of 4 and 2 figures I can match the frontage of the Romans, and a warband has six bases, making it easy to move about.  The Cavalry and skirmishers remain I groups of eight, and the Chariots in fours.

The HaT Germans that extend my "barbarians" are shockingly bad figures.  I'd rather not use them but needs must.  Eventually I'll replace them with more Italeri Celts.  They do give me another two warbands.

Chief, Sub Chief and hornblowers

One Warband of naked fanatics

Four Tribal Warbands 

Two groups of Cavalry

One group of Chariots

One group of Slingers

As part of this 20mm Infamy project I added to the terrain pieces with some Cork tile bogs and rough ground.

The pva glue is still drying on these, the idea is to give the bog pieces a shiny wet look.

I had already built the "German" looking A frame houses and several Roman buildings so it's looking like game on, as I get this lot on table for some fighting.

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